part 1

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Geon Hak, better known as Leedo, sighed and pushed his bangs out of his eyes. He was standing in front of a door labelled "Art Room" in large loopy rainbow letters. The entire door (and probably the room within) was covered in smiley faces and stars.

Yea, definitely not his scene. But it had to be, at least for the next year.

Leedo was really not looking forward to it. But it was all because of Yeo Hwanwoong.

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"What club are you joining this year?" Hwanwoong smiled up (a/n: he's s h o r t)
at Leedo.

"What do you think?" Leedo rolled his eyes. "I mean it's not like I'm gonna join the art club. With Seoho, of all people."

Was that even a question? His nickname (that even teachers used, mind you) literally came from the school's original play, of which he was the star.

"Keonhee will kill you if he hears that." Hwanwoong commented. "They're really good friends. Like, extremely good friends."

"Yea, yea, I know. If not for Harin, I would have thought they were dating." Harin was Keonhee's boyfriend, who used to be in the drama club, before he dropped out of school to start his own cafe. "Hey, do you want to go to the cafe tomorrow?"

"Huh?" Hwanwoong was distracted, texting someone on his phone. Probably Youngjo hyung, judging by his smile... Hwanwoong was hopelessly, incredibly, extremely in love with Youngjo, known as Ravn by almost the entire school, including the teachers (mostly because of a certain annoying English transfer student who couldn't pronounce his name).

If Leedo was being honest, he could easily arrange a date for them, being one of Ravn's closest friends. But of course he wouldn't, partially because Ravn was still in denial (and also because Leedo was jealous that he didn't have a boyfriend yet). (a/n: not for long~)

"Nevermind." Leedo sighed.

They walked along in silence until they came to the crossroad where they parted ways everyday.

Slapping himself for forgetting, Leedo groaned.


Knowing that that tone usually meant he had a favour to ask, Hwanwoong looked up.

"What do you want." It wasn't really a question, more like a defeated statement.
"Charlotte needs to use the laptop... can you please help me sign up for the club?"

"Yea okay whatever." Leedo knew Hwanwoong had stopped listening the moment Charlotte was mentioned.

Normally, Leedo wouldn't have trusted Hwanwoong with such an important task. But he really wasn't up to dealing with Charlotte, especially since she couldn't pronounce his name (or his nickname, for that matter) properly.

Just the thought of having to argue with Charlotte, his obnoxious roommate, Leedo could feel a headache coming on. Charlotte, with her annoying high-pitched voice, and incessant gushing over the latest boy she decided to crush on ("omg he's so hot!!"). Thank god she stopped crushing on him.

So yes. He would rather Hwanwoong potentially mess up, then have to argue with Charlotte for the use of the laptop they shared. Afterall, how bad could Hwanwoong mess up?
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In hindsight, this was probably how everything started. With his own mistake, in letting Hwanwoong do it for him.

a/n: i never ever proofread my work soー

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