part 3

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Leedo could feel Seoho gape at him in disbelief.

"What?!" He asked, rather defensively. Truth be told, Seoho's stare made him... uncomfortable? Nervous? He shoved one hand into his pocket and took out a metal necklace and looped it around a finger.

"Nothing. What's that?" Seoho shifted his glance to Leedo's fingers.

Leedo chose to ignore his question, instead bending down to pick up stray pieces of paper.

He had expected Seoho to stay in his seat, or at most clean the tables, due to his ankle injury, but the elder was determined to clean the room. Thoroughly.

They worked together in comfortable silence, until at last the room appeared somewhat presentable.

Leedo could see that Seoho was in pain. The first, and most obvious indicator, was his limp. Second would be his face, which contorted in pain with every few steps. And the most subtle one was how he carefully rested his weight on his uninjured leg and supported himself with the tables.


Seoho was startled by Leedo's sudden deep voice, after having worked together in silence for over an hour.

"What's up?"
"You should sit down."
"Nah, I'm fine. The room isn't gonna tidy itself."

Leedo rolled his eyes.

Seriously... he's probably going to faint in the middle of the session.

"Sit down. Else you won't be able to hold the session, and that will cause a very bad impression of the Art Club to be formed by the new members... including me."

Looking alarmed, Seoho sat down immediately. Satisfied, Leedo started cleaning the tables. However, his satisfaction was short-lived. After no more than 5 minutes of blissful silence, Leedo's peace was disrupted by Seoho's dragged out sighing.

"What?" Leedo snapped, feeling irritated.
"It's so boring... talk to me."

"Fine. As long as you stop your whining." He was done with the cleaning anyways. He hesitated to sit down. The seat was quite obviously Kelly's.

"She's not coming. She's supposed to be helping the drama club this whole term."

Seoho correctly guessed the reason for the younger boy's reluctance to sit down.

"What do you want to talk about?" Leedo asked curtly, sitting down carefully. Seriously, everything in the room was filled with glitter and doodles.

I wonder what will happen to this room after Seoho graduates...

"Why are you so mean to me?"

Leedo choked on his saliva. After coughing a few times, while Seoho looked on with amusement, Leedo glared at him incredulously.

"I'm not! I barely even speak to you-"
"Exactly. Why?"

Why? Leedo didn't know either. Because you're too popular? Because you're so... perfect?

"I didn't realise you'd be upset over that..." Leedo faltered. What a lie. "I... I don't know..." That, at least, was the truth.

Seoho raised his eyebrows but seemed to accept the answer. Switching the subject, he gestured towards the clock.

"There's still 15 minutes. Did you bring paint? I can teach you first."

"We had to bring paint? I didn't know... I-"
"Yea of course, else what do we paint with? Your blood?"

Seoho laughed.

"I'll be surprised if you had any, given that you probably don't have a heart." Leedo muttered, loud enough for Seoho to hear.

"Hey! That's mean." Seoho glared at Leedo playfully. "Can I call you Geonhak? Leedo is so... It makes me feel like I'm your fangirl."

"Are you not?" Geonhak laughed playfully. "And yea, I guess."

Seriously? Just 2 hours and you're gonna let him have his way?

Either way, it was too late to take back his words. Though if he was being honest... he didn't want to, either.

"So what do we do about the paint? The other students are gonna judge me so bad!" Leedo whined.

"You can just share mine. But..."

"You didn't even let me finish! But you'll have to sit here, because I'm not throwing my paint across the room." Seoho rolled his eyes when Geonhak lifted an eyebrow in mock disbelief.

"Yea, because the paint stains everywhere say otherwise."

« timeskip yay »

As the session progressed, Geonhak realised with a sinking suspicion that perhaps art was not as... easy as he thought it would be.

"Geonhak! Are you paying attention?" Yuna snapped impatiently. She was in Seoho's year, and apparently held a lot of authority in the club. She waved her paintbrush impatiently.

Why is she teaching us watercolour again?

Geonhak felt a twinge of annoyance.

"No. This is boring, and you're really bad at teaching." Geonhak yawned. Immediately, he felt a wave of panic. This wasn't the drama club, where he could easily say anything and get away with it.

Wincing at his own stupidity, he looked over at Seoho, who was...

Stifling his laughter?

Barely containing his mirth, Seoho struggled to pull a serious face.

"Yea Yuna, loosen up! It's the first session, and the new members didn't even get an introduction."

Yuna frowned, but quickly flashed a smile at Seoho.

"Oh, sorry. I just wanted to make sure no one slacked."

Of course... no one can resist Seoho.

Geonhak rolled his eyes internally.

"Why don't you start the introductions?" Yuna suggested, batting her eyelashes at Seoho and walking back to her seat.

Seoho stood up with some difficulty. As Yuna passed him, she whispered softly.

"Don't think you can get your way all the time, just because you're popular. Soon, I will be the vice-president - as I should be - and you'll have to watch out."

a/n : that was almost 1k words YEEHAW,,, also i wrote this specially for that one person who added this book into a reading list called smth like "books i desperately wait for to get updated" or smth : i love you, thanks for reading this mess of a book that i created bc seodo is one of my fav ships that is less written about,, also bc i love leeon so idk

not proofread so like sorry ?? hope you guys still like this though <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2020 ⏰

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