Locked up.

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I was leaving my submarine because I had restocked the supplies. My crew ate all the food. -sigh, My crew doesn't want to come with me, to be honest, I'm glad because if I did take them they would beg to buy other stuff that we don't need. We need meat, oh and also we need a new scalpel because I lost mine. 


After I buy the supplies I need I head for a short cut to go to the submarine. I feel like someone is following me. I felt this presence before, it felt familiar and horrible. It gave me a chill, and I shivered. I looked back and touched my sword but no one was there. Was it just my imagination?

"Don't let your guard down that quickly, law.", chuckled Doflamingo.

It was Doflamingo... He drugged me.

"You bastard..", I said while closing my eyes.






I slowly opened my eyes. The last thing I remembered-! That bastard! Why would he take me? What's his goal? To kill me, or is it to torture me? No... that's not it, if he did I wouldn't be on his bed with sea prison cuffs on. I was angry and nervous. 

I looked at the windows and the sun was going down. He's going to coming back at any moment. I knew this because I know what he usually does on his days.  I'd struggle. 



Man, it's no use, just pretend to go to sleep.

I'll just pretend to fall asleep, hopefully, it would work. Its the only plan I have. Just a few minutes ill fall asleep, so please don't come in-      I hear the door creak. Dammit, I thought, Why did he have to come now? I clenched my fist and close my eyes, I hear his footsteps come closer. He sits on the bed right by me and leans over closely.

"Hey law... if you're going to pretend, don't clench your fist and tremble. fufufu.", said Doflamingo.

"Dammit, You bastard!", I said.

"What do you get out of this?", I said to his face.

"Well... entertainment? fufufu.", Doflamingo said, " Well not only that I missed you, it's so boring without you, law."

I was angry, he didn't miss me and I couldn't look at him. That stupid bird is like a snake. I looked up and I saw his face. He's grinning at me. He did this one before a few years ago when I first got my crew. He grabbed my wrist and that stupid bird kissed and then, of course, I used room and left. But now back to the present, he grabbed my leg and his hand slid down up. That bastard-

"ugh, stop!", said. 

I blushed. He's touching my dick. Is this what he wants from me, to use me for his sexual desires?

"fufufu, your cute when struggling, law.", Doflamingo said, "I wonder how far we'll go."

He grinned, I hated his grins because he knows he's better and he holding the advantage. He knows exactly what he's doing. I think he is planning to go all the way, but he was waiting for me to beg to go all the way or something. He kept jerking me off, it was annoying. Doflamingo leans over my face and I could fully see his face now, what a big smile. Doflamingo is a huge guy, plus he was already hard. He held down my arms and kissed me, then I bit his lip.

"You damn brat!", said Doflamingo, "Well its doesn't matter anyway, your attitude is one of the reasons why I like you."

"fufufu.", Doflamingo laughed. 

"Ugh." , I said. 

"Well good night, maybe we'll go all the way tomorrow", said Doflamingo, "I expect you to be there for breakfast tomorrow, you will know what happens if you don't."

I know exactly what he meant but I'd rather go in the punish room then enjoy- suffer by eating breakfast with him.

"Bastard...", I said.

He left the room. 

I slowly fell asleep... 


To Be Continued.



Let me know if I should more or a second chapter! and if this isn't the type of Yoai for you then request something different. I can also do other ships. :) 

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