Chapter 4- Decisions

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I woke up, shaken out of bed by none other than Ron Weasley. After I fell, I sat up and checked the time. Great, I had slept through breakfast. I looked over to the bed next to mine and saw the familiar head of blonde hair was also asleep. That's another issue I've noticed. If you don't have sounds to wake you up, you sleep for extremely long amounts of time.

I took my wand and snuck over to him. After poking him in the sides three times, he bolted upright and gave me the strongest death glare I had seen in years. I noticed Ron had left the room after shaking me awake. He was probably forced to wake one of us up and couldn't wait for food any longer.

I sat back on the floor facing his bed, resting against my own. He got up without a word, grabbed some clothes, and went into the bathroom. I decided to do the same and get dressed for the day. Once the door was open I couldn't help but laugh. If I had been sorted into Slytherin first year this wouldn't be a strange sight. Malfoy had a mirror levitating beside him, a toothbrush in one hand, and a hairbrush in the other. He got rid of the toothbrush soon after and was so fixated on his hair he didn't notice me slip in to brush my teeth. After he was done, he looked over at me and jumped a few inches into the air. I rinsed my mouth and started laughing again.

"You should try it sometime Potter. I don't think you've ever brushed your hair before." With that lovely note, he whisked out of the bathroom.

I reached out and tugged his arm. He was still jumpy, "We have to talk today, there are only two days for fixing the..." I forgot the sign for the word.

"Schedules," Malfoy signed. I nodded my head. "For somebody that could be stuck like that forever, you should really practice more. I'll be in the library at 4 o'clock if you feel the need to annoy me further," he walked out of the dorm leaving me in stunned silence.

He really had changed. No name-calling, finishing my sentence, and telling me where he would be so we could figure this out? Yup, definitely changed.


10 minutes 57 seconds




11 minutes

This was officially the longest staring contest I had ever been in. We were both extremely stubborn, there's no doubt about that.

"I know I'm beautiful, but not even you could push this past twelve minutes," Malfoy signed. Feeling my cheeks warm, I rolled my eyes, mentally cursing myself for breaking eye contact.

"Not everyone can be as stubborn as you, Malfoy," I said aloud, surely he hadn't understood that.

"I can read lips you know," damn it I thought I had him.

"Lucky you," we hadn't been making any progress and I was beginning to care less and less about fixing our scheduling problems. We needed to pick ten classes by the end of this "meeting". The biggest problem with this was we had totally different interests. Maybe our job courses had something in common. There was only one problem. I didn't have a job course anymore because I had no clue what to do with my life. I did not want to hunt evil for the rest of my life, no matter what the rest of the world felt. "Jobs? What do you want to do?

"What?" his mind was obviously not on the same path mine was.

"I want to get this over with. What course do you want to take? Common classes," I saw him snicker across from me halfheartedly. Curse my lazy sign language.

"It's going to be impossible for a person like me to get a job anyways. I'm not here for that," Oh, so he was laughing at my stupidity, not my signing.

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