The End

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Trigger warning
Self harm

I miss the feeling of dark, warm blood coming out of my wounds
I miss the blade going in my skin
The tingling feeling that won't go away
My mind is in a war against me and I know I can't escape it
I don't wanna leave but somehow I always go back to this maybe I should just end it
End this hell like feeling, end this misery
End my eternal suffering
Is it to dramatic? Or is it the solution?
The question I wonder the most
Will you miss me?
You seem so happy even when I'm not around
Maybe you'll miss me but you'll learn to live without me
Will I miss out so much or will I only prevent my heart from more suffer?

My hair will no longer float in the wind
My voice will no longer be spread around the room neither will my laugh
All the joy will be forgotten, if there was any
My name will fade as years go by
But there is still one person that I'm not ready to say goodbye
That's you my love,my life,my treasure
The one who brought me to life
I don't want you to burry your baby, I know it's to soon
My soul is aching and I don't know how much longer I can live like this
This is no living this is just existing and I'm tired of existing

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