Cake Day (pt.2)//Leaving?

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I'm so happy now! I don't think this day could get any better! First, my amazing boyfriend served me breakfast in bed. I get pampered by my best friend, then I find out she's pregnant! Let me tell you how we found out she was really pregnant.

We made it back to Khris place. We went up to her room and I forced her in the bathroom so she could take the tests. She threw a fit, but shut up when Trey came in the room.

About twenty minutes later, I went to check them cause Khris was to scared. So I goes in the bathroom and look at em', and the bitches are positive.

Of course I was happy, and Khris was too but she wouldn't show it.

Anyway, in order for us to be sure she was actually pregnant, we went to the clinic. She got signed in and everything and we had to wait a while. Finally they call her back and she tells them everything and the doctor makes her pee in a cup.

So she did her business and gave the cup to the doctor (after she washed it off and made sure the top was on there good of course) and he told us to wait in a room while he took it back to the lab.

Khris was so damn nervous, it was funny but it wasn't funny at the same time. Like her palms were sweating and she was rambling on about things I didn't care for. Like the time her and Issa fucked, I had to shut her ass up.

She got quiet when the doctor came back in with the results.

He was like, 'Well, Mrs. Williams, you are pregnant. 1 month to be exact!' I was turnt.

So now, We're getting dressed.

(Outfit in MM)

"Yo, you might wanna bring a jacket. It's getting a little chilly outside." Khris said coming my room all dressed up looking good.

I got up and grabbed my black leather jacket and phone. I changed the case on it.

After I made sure I had everything , I went downstairs seeing E and Khris on my couch, sucking each others face off.

"Uh, get the fuck out my house with all that bullshit." I said walking up on them and making a face.

"Oh shut the hell up! Like you and Jacquees are any different!" Khris said getting up out of Issa's lap.


"Happy Cake Day, Shortie." E said bending over to hug me. Shame how short us girls have to be.

"Thank you, long neck." I said responding and hugging him back.

"So, when are we leaving?" I asked.

"Soon, soon." She said walking out of the living room.


"Happy Birthday, Baby."

I looked up at Que and he was looking so good. Had on his all white and shit. I bit my lip looking him up and down.

I got up and hugged him tightly. His hands slid down to my ass and he squeezed it. I giggled pulling away from the hug. I looked him in his face and he looked like he had something on his mind.

"You okay?" I asked. He turned his head and looked around before grabbing my hand and leading me to the secluded area of the club.

He opened a door to this office looking room. I walked in and looked around.

He shut the door and I turned around facing him. I smiled as he walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"What's going on with you? Period or something?" I joke. I slightly laughed at my own joke.

"I got some to tell you." He said looking me dead in the eyes.

Oh shit. Please don't let this man be cheating on me. Swear to jesus christ I will end his life and the hoe he fucking with, all in one day.

My whole smile faded and I eyed him. He looked nervous, real nervous.

"I know you're probably gonna be mad, but me and E are going back to Atlanta..." He said.

"...Okay." I said slowly nodding my head.

"And...We'll be gone for 3 months.." I scrunched my face up and stepped back a little.

"You're leaving me?"

Sorry I took so long with this update. I was working on the cover of the book, took me forever to do it.

But I updated now...

Ciara in the MM


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