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So after the mishap with Travis, me, being the hopeless romantic I am, downloaded an app. I think you can guess what type of app.

After about a week with the app I matched with a lot of people, but one of the guys stuck out to me... Caspian August.

He honestly wasn't the cutest but he had a good personality. We talked for a while and then he asked me to be his girlfriend. Keep in mind he was all the way in Maryland. But I for some reason found it totally romantic... I was in 9th grade. So I said yes but I kept it a secret from my mom and sister because I knew they'd have a heart attack if I told them.

After a week or so, he stopped texting me as much and then when I confronted him about it, he was like 'then maybe we shouldn't be together anymore' and I was like oop-.

And so he dumped me and I was sad but I moved on after like a day. 😂.

But don't worry since then I have DELETED the app.

Anyways then came A twin who will not be named because I still like him 👉🏼👈🏼🤷🏻‍♀️.

My Hopeless Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz