The Twin

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This story's my favorite... mostly because it doesn't really have an ending :)

The first time I talked to this boy was at a charity walk in 2018.
I was walking my cousin's dog, Macy, around the park and all of a sudden she runs up to the group of populars and jumping up on them. Mind you they were sitting down.
He seemed to love Macy though and she loved him, which I was very shocked by because Macy hates men.
We talked for a little bit and he was actually nice to me which is very rare for people to do.

The second interaction I had with this boy was in my religious education class in 2019.
We were choosing our end of the year projects.
I had always been kind of a loner in that class so I was just sitting on top of one of the tables, legs crossed and jotting down ideas for my project.
Then this boy and his friend decide to sit at that same table and they were having trouble deciding how to present their project.
So I said "why not do like standup comedy" since that was one of the options.
Then he looked at me with a grin or something and said "you think I'm funny?"
At that point I got really shy cause I usually don't just talk to people I don't know that well so I said "I don't know..."

After that year we started snap chatting back and forth and that's when my crush really developed. But I had just gotten snap so I didn't know someone could see if you took a screenshot of their chat. I ended up screenshotting something on our chat dot show my best friend. I got away with that one but what I also didn't know was that they could see if you took a screenshot of something on their profile. I ended up doing that to show my best friend our zodiac compatibility 🤦‍♀️. And when he confronted me I made up the worst possible excuse ever... I literally said something like "oh my friend took my phone for a YouTube video he's making and I guess he might've screenshotted something." It was so bad and I knew he knew that I was lying because he didn't seem convinced at all.

Ever since that we haven't really talked and it makes me kinda sad because I really liked him. I mean... I still like him.

But honestly him and his twin look exactly alike there's just a few subtle differences. Also their name's only have a one fucking letter difference like what??? Imagine if I've been chasing the wrong twin all along 😂.

Anyways that's my last chapter... unless... I get any updates on this dude. Lol, wish me luck! Also comment your most embarrassing crush story!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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