How They Find Out You're An Age Regressor!

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Mal: she walked in on you with your pacifier in when you were sleeping.

Ben: same as mal

Evie: your sister, hating that you were dating a VK, posted it in an attempt to get revenge

Uma: you brought her to your dorm for the first time and she found your pacifier.

Gil: same as Mal

Harry: same as Uma

Dogue: Your sister, being worried that you weren't taking care of yourself properly, told him. He did a lot of research to make sure you were perfectly looked after when Regressed.

Chad: You had gone to his place and were watching a horror film but due to being so frightened you had regressed and he took care of you despite not knowing how.

Audrey: You had regressed in class due to being picked on, she noticed and took you out of class, despite being confused.

Jane: same as Audrey except she knew what it was and knew how to care for you.

Lonnie: same as audrey

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