A New Friend

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Heratus opened the door ..... the Mayor came inside and asked after looking him..."Are you feeling well now ?" "Yes", Heratus replied. Unable to hold his curiosity any more Heratus finally asked out"Who was that who saved me last night who saved me last night from those bandits...?" The Mayor amazed for a moment and then replied with a small smile " She !, she is the most bravest girl in our town...Her name is Illethia."On this Heratus asked..."But was she covering her face...?"She doesn't want to show her face...she is type of very shy ...but along with that very brave..too";"Can I meet her now ?", Heratus asked ..."Yes,why not replied the Mayor.. he continued " Her mother and father died long ago whe she was just 3 years old...she had faced a much hardships in her life...her childhood was full of distress and sufferings.. " Heratus went outside as there was an outlying curiosity ....to see her ...he was just getting the flashes of her eyes and badly wanted to see her.He was walking on the narrow road that was situated between two houses in the town...generally the town was very quiet...when suddenly she saw Illethia drawing water from the well. He shouted to call her "Illethia ....pls listen " and reached out to her..Illethia tried to go but stopped "What happened she asked?", "You are Illethia right ?";" Yeah , you have any doubt"...Heratus was mesmerised by seeing her face...She had ocean like beautiful and deep eyes it seemed as if they wanted to tell you something...her golden fleece like hair which ended with curls at her shoulder her sharp nose...and her lips were as red as rose ...all this vivid details acted as a catalyst to make Heratus fall in love with Illethia. It seemed that she was the most beautiful girl..in the world even the goddess of beauty cannot compete with her beauty..Heratus was awestruck for a second..and the he replied.."No..no doubt (you are so beautiful ; he mermered slowly)"..."What ?" she asked...."Oh nothing ..." said Heratus."You are that last night man ...right whom I saved..?"..asked Illethia..."Yes...yes" replied Heratus."So what do you want now ...?"she asked ..."Nothing I just wanted to thank you for saving me..."replied Heratus."Leave now I have more work to do" she said..."I also" ....Heratus. She walked out ....but then Heratus held her hand from the back...."Please wait a more while"...Heratus told ...and "excuse me for holding your hand "...Illethia just escaped her hand forcefully and left saying "Meet you...aaa tomorrow..." ..Heratus said "Yeah , ok ...fine I will come .. "..the sun was about to set...and now you can expect a new turning in Heratus' journey.

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