Chapter 7- Perseverance

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Tw: angst, crying, self deprecation, death??

     "Phil, you're awake." Techno stood over him a bowl in hand. When did he fall asleep? He sat up and cringed at the pain in his back. Forgetting about the wound that is there. Bandaged, but still hurting slightly. He grabbed the bowl to see some cereal in it. Phil slowly ate the cereal avoiding all eye contact with Techno who still stood there. "Want to come sit and eat with us?" No response. "Ok, we'll be back in a sec." Techno walked off leaving him to wallow in his misery.
     "Wow. You are pathetic to look at, honestly." Teased Redza, still tightly tied to the chair. He made no attempt to respond. Feeling terribly tired and weak, even if he had slept for quite a long time.

     A few minutes passed and the three walked into the living room. They all sat on the couch, sitting in akward silence. Phil continued to eat, even if there was nothing left in the bowl. Spoon scraping against the bottom.
     "Phil." Wilbur said, he jumped almost dropping the bowl. "There's nothing left in there, just set it down." He glanced down, finally noticing. He set it down on the floor and laid back, staring at the ceiling. "So. Umm, mind telling us what's up?" Wilbur asked nervously, Redza just grinned. Phil made no attempt to respond, too tired and weak to say a thing. His mind foggy and slow.
     "Come on dude, you're gonna have to say something." Prompted Techno.
     "I'm.... So tired." He muttered, eye lids half closed. What was the point of living if his friends hate him?
     "You just slept. How are you still tired?" Tommy asked, Redza giggled. Somehow finding this news very funny. "What are you laughing at? You little bastard!" Snapped Tommy as he glared at him. He just laughed again.
     "Can't you see? He's practically dying." Redza burst out laughing, "I finally destroyed Philza!" He cheered. Wilbur got up and kneeled next to his friend. His breathing was shallow and his eyes were barely open. What had happened? He was just fine a minute ago?
    "Phil, Phil! Wake up!" He shook him, eyes flying back open. But they quickly went back to their half lidded state. "What do we do?" Cried Wilbur, panicking for the health of his friend.
     "You're never gonna bring him back, I destroyed everything that makes him him!" Redza cackled. They had to bring Phil back, they couldn't just let him die! But what could even bring him back? Wilbur started to pace as the other two thought about an idea. Redza watching Phil with sadistic glee.

     A few minutes passed, and Techno gasped. The two looked at him, 
     "How about we give him that cheesey friendship love!" Techno shouted, "we'll give him so much that he'll pop back to being that kind Phil!" Not the words they had expected to come out of the pigs mouth. But it sure as hell did. 
     "So... We're gonna love him, Back to life? That sounds utterly ridiculous." Tommy said, very skeptical. Techno glared at him and Wilbur just shrugged.
     "Worth a shot." He walked over and kneeled down next to Phil. His eyes were empty but still held a small light of his former friend. Phil wasn't one to die so easily. "Hey.... Phil?" His eyes shifted to him. "Yeah! Umm. You know we love you right? Like as friends? You're the best dad we could ever ask for." Phil's eyes widened a bit, "and we forgive you for your behavior. I'm sure it wasn't all your fault. So stop dying, and get the fuck up!" He looked back at Tommy and Techno. Techno gave him a thumbs up as Tommy just smiled. "See, they agree. Get up dude!"  Wilbur got up but Phil made no move to do the same.
     "Well shit." Tommy muttered, clearly upset. Of course it didn't work.  Redza just smiled.
     "You see, just let him die and be glad that your horrible friend is gone. He'll never wake up, he's dead. See-" Redza's eyes widened. There was Phil, sat up, stretching. He yawned and looked him dead in the eyes.
     "I never die." The three just sat in shock. How did that work? How? 
     "It worked!" Techno screamed as Wilbur burst out crying and Tommy laughed hysterically. "I'm a genius!!" In the middle of their cheering, Phil pulled out his sword and walked over to Redza.
     "You gonna free me?" He asked, but he put his sword to his throat.
     "I think... It's time for you to go. While the things you said may be true, I'm not gonna die over it. So, Pog." Phil sliced his throat. But instead of blood, he poofed into thin air. He dropped his sword and stood there.
     "You scared me so much!" Wilbur wailed as he hugged Phil tightly. Why were they hugging him? Don't they hate him? Didn't they try to kill him?
     "Don't you hate me? I'm a horrible friend, I'm a danger-"
     "Shhhhhhh. That ain't true. He was lying to you Phil." Techno hugged him too. So, all that aggressiveness, all that anger was caused by... Redza's presence? Tears welled up in his eyes,
      "Plus, I still consider you my dad. Though not biologically, that's a bit weird. Whatever." Tommy hugged him too. Phil didn't have the words to describe the immense relief that he felt. So all those insult, weren't true? He wasn't a bad person? Phil found that hard to believe.
     "Aren't I a bad person? I created Redza-
     "No" Wilbur interrupted. "You are the kindest friend I've ever had. You care for us and are practically the father of the group. I don't know why Redza was created, but he sure as hell isn't you." At this point, he burst into tears. He hugged them tightly not wanting to let go. The group stood there hugging for a long time. Phil crying his eyes out, as they whispered reassuring words.

Fluff. Is Phil tramatized and damaged from this stuff? Yep. By the way, what brought Phil back was the will to fight. He had given up and let Redza take over. But Wilbur saying those stuff made him want to stay. Mmm, yes, very fluff.

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