chapter 1

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OoooO I'm not a master at fanfiction but I am good at making it make sense... Ya feel me okie.
Third person pov

Aang was flying over mountains
Looking for wood, apparently the gang had to sleep outside tonight, aang needed a lot of wood because it feels like winter!

Aang saw a slender figure in the distance, "heeeeeyy!!" Aang yelled catching the figure attention, the Air Bender landed next to the tree (you) "hello I'm aang can you help me?" Aang said "of course the names y/n, whatcha need help with kid" y/n said "do know where a village is? me and friends are sleeping outside" Aang said while scratching his neck. Y/n chuckled "I sure do, please take me to em" y/n said smiling aang looked unsure "are you sure you can keep up with me??" Aang  said turning around "can you keep up with me?" Y/n said aang smiled and flew off the mountain.

Aang saw y/n running nahhh man he faster than a cheetah 'woah he's so freaking cool!!' aang thought. aang saw the Forest in his view. Aang landed next y/n as he walked into the forest 1 hour later aang and y/n saw the gang surrounded by trees, but katara was screaming at zuko, sokka practicing with his
Boomerang, and toph was just playing with rocks. Aang cleared his throat catching everyone's attention but zuko's "um aang who's that behind you?" Sokka said pointing, zuko looked at y/n
'oh shhhhiiiittt' zuko thought looking at y/n "this is y/n he's gonna help us go to his village" aang said, dead silence "sigh, fine let's go" toph said grabbing her bag aang jumped on y/n's shoulders 3 hours later...

Y/n puts aang down, it was a big village "we are here" y/n said "uff finally" sokka said tiredly, y/n chuckled "would you guys like some food?" Y/n said everyone smiled but zuko. They got to his place "wooaahh this place is huge !!" Aang said y/n smiled as everyone but zuko started to look around "food is always ready in the kitchen." Y/n said toph,sokka,aang and katara ran to the kitchen. Y/n was about to follow them, but he saw zuko just standing there "aren't ya gonna eat?" Y/n said "no, I don't want your food..." Zuko said y/n smiled and sighed.

He picked up zuko by the legs and toss him over his shoulders. Zuko blushed "H-hey let go!!" He yelled "nahhhhh I got a nice view" y/n.

Okie I'm super lazy and tired so no worries I'm shall update later today.

Peace out!

you're a WHAT!?!(zuko x male reader)(discontinued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin