PerthSaint One Shot

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-; Lame story ahead. Everything is just a part of my mere imagination. Read at your own risk.

"That Should Be Me"

Perth's P.O.V.

It was one of the most unbelievable day here in Thailand.

Who would have thought that there will be a Grand Masquerade Ball in Bangkok, and most of the talents from different networks are here?

I'm wearing a complete tuxedo, matching it with a gray sparkling mask. I was standing in front of a circular table near the gigantic fountain. I was calmly drinking champagne waiting for my friends to arrive.

As I was standing there, I roamed my eyes on the crowd. All of the people there are dancing as a vicious song was playing making the party more hectic. There are different artists from different networks greeting each other. I see my friend Yacht talking to Fiat. But I don't bother to stroll to them. I just continue drinking up my champagne as thoughts were roaming on my head.

Is he here?

What If I see him?

Can I talk to him again?

But what if he's with his guy?

Oh. Crap. Why would I bother thinking about him, he has him anyways.

"What you were thinking bro?" Someone snapped me. I looked up to that person to recognize who's that. It was Mark, he was wearing a dark blue suit with a black mask.

"Nothing," I uttered.

"Are you still hoping that he would come back to ---"

"No. I don't know what you're talking about." I immediately cut him off.

He didn't bother to ask me anymore.

We just talk about a lot of stuff as we waited for our other colleagues.

Mean arrived with his boyfriend Plan, Samantha Melanie Coates also appeared wearing an elegant black dress with a black mask.

Time passes by as we continue conversing with each other.

Some artists from different networks are greeting us. It was a great night for all of us. The network rivalry has ended.

"Can I dance with you, my diva?" I gave a hand on Samantha, my best friend.

"A pleasure." Samantha upheld.

We rhythmically dance as a melodious song was playing. It was great. We are dancing there, together with the other couples that also dancing.

But my heart skipped a beat when I saw a familiar silhouette of a guy. He was wearing a white tuxedo. It was him. His posture. His hair. His fair skin. His prominent nose. His thin and reddish lips. His brown magical eyes. I know everything about him. Even though his face was half-covered with his gray mask, I know it was him.

My stares stuck on him as my heart was thumping rapidly.

My mind was completely lost. All I want is I want to walk towards him. I want to talk with him so terribly.

For Pete sake, how can you be this so cruel to my heart?

"Dance with him." Someone uttered. When I gazed at that person, it was Samantha.

I know what she means.

I lost my control, within a seconds I found myself walking towards Saint, my knees were trembling as I was taking a step towards him.

My heart was ticking so fast. A few steps away, when I stopped walking.

I lose my strength as someone approach him and held his hand and entwined it with him. My knees were trembling as soon as I know who it was.

It was Zee.

I was just standing there, completely dumbfounded.

A lot of thoughts were roaming on my head.

That should be me, the man who will hold your hand, If only I could defend you.

My heart sank as you two begin to dance.

I was completely lost. My eyes are now filled with tears again.

That should be me, the man who will dance faultlessly with you, if only I could be brave enough.

A shed of tears slowly rolled down on my cheeks. Seeing you were happy dancing with him rhythmically makes my heart sank.

That should be, the one who will make genuinely smiled, if only I could be brave enough to fulfill my promise.

I want to pull you out of him. I want you to get back to me. But that was selfishness. You're happy with him. You are genuinely smiling and I don't want that smile to fade away.

I turn my back and walks towards our table as a shed of tears were still rolling down on my cheeks.

Fuck. Saint, how can you be this so cruel to my heart?

My knees were trembling as I continued walking.

"What happened Perth? Where is he?" Someone uttered. As I look upon that person, I see Samantha wearing a worried look on her face.

"He's happy with his man."

"But what about you? What about your happiness?" She mumbled.

"He's happy with him, and I guess that makes me happy too," I muttered as I smiled at her bitterly.

As my knees trembled I found myself hugging Samantha as I cried on her shoulder.

Saint was happy now with Zee, and seeing him genuinely happy with him, I guess that makes me happy too

I don't want my beloved someone to lose his smile just because of my selfishness.

I don't want to lose that genuine smile on his face.

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