Chapter 22

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I stared at Siara dumbfoundedly. Did she... did she just say date?

"I'm not sure what you mean," I said, suddenly breathless. My heart was thumping so loudly that I was surprised it wasn't echoing in the car.

"You should rethink staying with Connor. His stupidity is affecting your smart brain. I want you to come to my Halloween party. As my... as my date." She said the last part with a little uncertainty. Like she wasn't sure what my answer would be. Something happened in my stomach when she said date. But...

"I... I don't know." The events of the last party I went to made me feel nauseous. I was done with parties for a good long time.

"No, no, no!" She quickly said, understanding what I was saying. "It won't be like a frat party. My family is throwing this. They do this every year. It's going to be sort of like a masquerade ball. There'll be my dad's colleagues and friends, some of my friends, and a lot of other people from the industry. Nothing like last time, I promise. So... will you come?" Siara was giving the look that people call puppy-eyed. And she looked so adorable that I wanted to kiss her. I blinked away my thoughts and looked at her.

I smiled. "I'll come."

Her face lit up like a Christmas tree. "You will? Oh, okay. Um, cool, I guess."

She was so damn adorable. I pinched her cheek, smiling at her. "Can I go now?"

She gave me a puzzled look. "Why are you asking me?"

"You're still holding my hand."

She let go of it quickly. It was a little red where she'd caught me. I rubbed it a little.

"You good?"

"Yeah. Your grip is tight. My hand's red."

"You'll soon see how tight my grip is, baby," She winked. I felt red creep into my cheeks and butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"Stupido," I muttered.

I jumped on my bed and nuzzled into my pillow. I glanced at my phone screen. I'd spoken to my mother last week. It had been an awkward conversation. I didn't bring anything else up. I promised I would come home during the break. I missed her. I had the urge to apologize. But I wanted her to understand my side too. Maybe over the holidays, I'll talk to her. Talk to her nicely.


I adjusted my top hat and straightened my black blazer. My phone buzzed. I accepted the call and placed it in between my shoulder and ear while buttoning the cuffs of my shirt.

"Hey, y'all ready?" Laura asked.

"Yeah. When are you leaving?"

"I'll be there soon."

"See ya."

I hung up and went to the living room. Connor was tying his shoelaces. He and Sophie broke up that day. He cried at dinner over a bottle of beer. But then later cheered up and drunk-called Sophie and told her that he was proud of her and that he supported her no matter what. This continued for the next few days. He would burst into tears at random; while doing the dishes while doing homework. But whenever we hung out with Sophie, he would be all happy and cheery like nothing happened. He'll be fine, hopefully.

He stood up and looked around. "Did you see my teeth?"

I gave him a puzzled look. "They are in your mouth, Connor. Oh my god, Laura was right about your brain going into hibernation."

He glared at me. "Seriously! I'm not that dumb! I'm talking about my fake vampire teeth! Have you seen them anywhere?"

I chuckled. "Yeah, I found them on the kitchen counter while making lunch. I put them in the cabinet."

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