Chapter 30

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"What?" I asked, horrified. I expected him to laugh, to tell me it was a joke. But he just nodded grimly at me. 

"He stabbed her but she survived. He was lucky that my family simply pressed charges against him. He's still rotting there instead of his grave, that disgusting pig. He deserves to be dead." He clenched his fist. A tear was balancing on his eyelid. "I'm not supposed to know this, so you didn't hear from me. My family tries to keep this stuff hidden. To protect me. But I know things."

I took in a slow breath. The Hemsworth siblings were quite a pair. One brought up around weapons and violence, wreathed in blood and resentment. The other is shielded from all of it, yet has to bear the burden from a young age.

I felt nauseous as I thought of what Richard had told me. The scar on her stomach... It had to be. 

My head was still spinning when Siara dropped me at my apartment. She stopped the car and turned to me. 

"Ethan, are you okay? You've been silent since we left my place. Is everything okay? Did anyone say anything to you?"

My voice was barely a whisper. "I know about Nate."

She froze in her seat. Her eyes went wide and her hand came up to her mouth. She tried to say something but no sound came out. Her fingers flew to her hair, pushing it back. 

"Who told you?" Her voice was restrained. I could see a turmoil of emotions cross her features. Shock, pain, sorrow, anger, fear. 

"It doesn't matter-"

"Who?" She said sharply.

"Richard. I saw your picture."

She leaned her head on the steering wheel. "Fuck," It was as if someone knocked the wind out of her. The minutes passed in silence though it felt like hours. 

She finally raised her head. Her eyes were rimmed red. I reached out to touch her hand but she drew back. 

"He was the first person I ever loved. He cared for me, he made me feel special. After my mother's death, it was the first time I felt happy." She smiled ruefully.

 "He used to make me laugh. Passed notes to me in the corridors. Took me on moonlight strolls. He never forced me to do anything. Or at least I thought that. On his eighteenth birthday, I had a surprise planned for him. Little did I know he did too. I surprised him at our secret spot with a picnic and gifts. He wanted to have sex with me. And when I told him no, he forced himself on me. He had a knife with him. I'd gifted that to him. He stabbed me." Her voice cracked. A tear trickled down her cheek.

"Logan wanted him dead. Lucas wanted him dead. I didn't even have to say the word and they would've killed him nevertheless. But I didn't let them do that. Perhaps a part of me still loved him even after finding out he was a monster." She wiped her eyes with her sleeve. 

"I... Your nightmare?"

She nodded slowly. "It was about him. It is always about him. I hate it so much. It makes me feel so vulnerable. I hate it."

I took her hand and this time she let me. I squeezed it and she gave me a small smile. I pushed open the door, stepping out. The street was empty with barely any passersby. There was a loud smack which I initially thought was Siara slamming the door.

But then I saw Siara crouched on the ground, holding her stomach. I looked up to see a masked figure holding a rod. Fear knotted in my stomach. The same person who'd thrown a knife at us. 

"Isabelle," Siara groaned, standing up. She spat on the ground and wiped her mouth. Her hand came away stained red.

She took off the mask and looked at Siara with hate dripping from her eyes. 

"This ends now."

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