Hospital beds suck

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"Dad?" I say, finally pushing the door open. My eyes are immediately drawn to a bed in the center of the room. A bunch of beeping machines and large wires are all connected to a still body that lies in the bed. 

"Dove? Dove is that you?" His voice is even weaker than it was over the phone. Tears fall from my eyes as I run over to his bedside, softly grabbing his hand. His green eyes look up into mine. 

"Hey, dad," I say, trying to smile for him. 

"What are you doing here? Your suppose to be in America banging Harry Styles!" He tries to throw his hand up in the air, but barely lifts it off the bed. I laugh, wiping the steady stream of tears off my cheeks.

"I know, but I had to come and see you." I wipe his face with my hand, brush the soft tuffs of pure white hair out from his eyes. 

"Dont cry Dove." I smile sadly. 

"Why not? My best friend is leaving me." Even more, tears roll down my face, and my voice breaks. 

"I am not gone yet. Not going down without a fight." I laugh at his effort to make a fist in the air. 

"I know dad. And I am here." I am too scared to sit on his bed, so I grab a chair and pull it up close, never letting go of his hand. 

"So tell me everything. I have seen you in years. Look at you! You look like a grown woman!" I laugh. 

And so I do. I tell him every single little thing that has happened to me. From my college days, to Jeremy, to my business, and then about Harry. We talk throughout the whole night. And when I finally get to the part of my life Harry is in, the sun has risen and around 15  doctors have come to check up on him. 

"Oh dad, you would love him. He is so sweet, and kind," 

"And handsome." I laugh. All my tears are gone, because I have used them all. 

"Yes, oh so very handsome."

"So where is he? Why is he not here?" For the first time that night, I frown. "Oh Dove... you didn't tell him you were coming... did you?" I push back the thoughts. 

"It doesn't matter. What maters is that I am here with you. Now." He sighs. 

"Dove. Listen to me. I am going to die." Ah. Turns out I wasn't out of fucking tears. 

"No, dont say that." 

"There is no point wishing, it is what happens Dove. But you know what? The only thing that makes me sad about dying, is the fact I know you will spend years crying about it. And I dont want you to do that. I want you to spend your days happy. Do you remember Mr. Snuggles?" I laugh at the mention of my very first pet. 

"My hamster? What about him?" 

"Do you remember that you accidentally killed him within the first week of having him?" I laugh again. 

"Yes, I do." 

"And do you remember what I said to you?" I shake my head, saying no. "I said, 'Dont cry, Mr. Snuggles wouldn't want that. You know why? Because he was a very happy hamster. And he still is.' Just because I am gone, doesn't mean I am not happy." I have to bite my lips to not let the sobs leave my mouth. 

"Oh, dad." I don't care anymore, and I just hug him. Maybe he doesn't want me to be sad, but I can't just turn my feelings off. "Just let me cry right now hm?" He chuckles. 

"I never said dont cry. I said dont cry for years." I laugh, pulling away from him. 

"I promise." 


The minutes turn into hours, and the hours turn into days. 6 of them to be precise. I have not left dad's side once, except for getting food and coffee 3 times a day. I have only slept a couple of times, scared that he will leave me while I am unconscious on the lounge. Jeremy has called me a couple of times, but I haven't answered. But that doesn't measure up to the amount of times Harry has called me. But for some reason, I have been ignoring them all. I am to scared that I will be talking to them, and then poof. My dad will be gone forever. We have 6 years to catch up on. I dont want to miss any of it. He is currently talking about some weird tv show he use to watch as a kid. 

"-and he use to wear this big yellow hat... I seriously can not believe you dont know what I am talking about." I laugh, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Dove, sleep."

"No, I am fine." 

"Dove, really. You need to. You will die before I do if you dont. Plus, you are very very stinky." I laugh. 

"Shut up. Fine, I will." I lie down on the couch next to him and close my eyes, immediately falling into the deepest slumber of my life. 


I wake up and immediately feel lot better. I push the scratchy ass blanket off my body and sit up, stretching my arms out. 

"Fuuuccckkkkkk. Those couches are not comfortable at all." I rub my eyes and look up to see dad lying in his bed, his eyes closed. "Dad?" I say. No response. "Dad?" I say again, worry now building up in my chest. It is only now I realize that I can not hear the beeping of those different  machines. "DAD!" I say. lauching from the couch and over to his bed, shaking his shoulders. "NO! PLEASE NO!!" Tears are falling from my eyes and I collapse to the ground. 3 nurses come running in at the sound of my voice, and they all crowd around my fathers bed. One comes up to me and sits down next to me, wrapping her arms around my head and pulling me close into her chest. 

The volume of my wails could be heard throughout the whole hospital. For at least ten minutes,  me and that nurse just sit on the ground, as she holds me close. I cry, and cry, and cry. 

"I missed him! I didn't sleep for days on end because I was too scared! And it just happened! It fucking happened! And I was sleeping! I was fucking sleeping!" The nurse just rubs my head, shushing me. 

"It isn't your fault dear, it was bound to happen. You were amazing to stay with him for so long. Lucky even. The amount of pain he must've been in, but he fought. He fought for you." The words just make me loose all sense of control, not that I had much left anyway. 

She slowly brings me out of the room and into another. She sits me on the couch and continues to hug me as I cry well into the night.

(A/N: GUUYYYYSSS! I AM NOT CRYING YOU ARE! This makes me so sad I honestly want to die. Sorry if it is kinda crappy, as you might've noticed, I am not that great a writer! HEhE)

Photo Shoot- A Harry Styles love story... *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now