Chapter 4

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"Let me go you asshole!" I shouted at this so called Harry.

"I warned you to watch your mouth and you would regret it if you continued talking to me that way," he said loosing his patience with me. Tears prickled my eyes as I thought of all the things that he could do to me.

"Please let me go I have money you can take it all just let me go please I'll do anything!" I was sobbing at this point realizing I might be killed and never see anybody I know ever again.

"No I won't let you go and I in fact don't give two shits if you'll do anything or not," Harry had lost all patience for me and continued to walk through the alleys. I continued to punch and kick but it was no use.

Then Harry's phone rang, that meant he had to use one hand to talk to whoever had called him. Harry answered his phone and somehow just somehow I managed to wriggle out of his grasp. I landed on the ground and bolted down the alleyway.

"Shit! I'll call you back," I heard Harry say as I continued to run. "Get your ass over here now Zora!" What the hell, how did he know my name? Harry was still running towards me so I decided to make a sharp turn into the next alleyway to get him off my track but that didn't work. He was gaining on me.

I felt Harry's two arms grab me by my waste and slam me into the wall again but making me hit my head first. My vision began to blur as I felt warm lips press against my forehead as I began to fall into unconsciousness.

I woke up about three hours later, with a pounding headache and in bed. Wait. I'm in a bed but it's not mine. What the hell is going on? I sat up slowly because of my head. I looked around the room to see there was black dressers and closets in the room and black clothes scattered everywhere. I got off the bed and ran to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked.

"Hey!" I screamed and pounded on the door trying to make as much noise as possible. I heard footsteps coming on the other side of the door and stood back. The door burst open and in came a unfamiliar face. He had light brown hair and blue eyes.

"Who the hell are you? Where the fuck am I? Let me go home!" I yelled in this dudes face.

"Wow Harry was right. You do have an attitude. Anyways my name is Louis Tomlinson. You are in Harry's house and I don't think he plans on letting you leave any time soon, actually probably never.

"Oh shit." I mumbled and ran to the bathroom that was in the bedroom. I ran to the toilet and threw up until there was nothing left. Louis came over and leaned against the doorway just watching like I was some damn tv show.

"Sorry love, didn't mean to scare you. It's just that Harry has a weird thing about girls he likes," Louis said while I laid on the bathroom floor.

"What do you mean weird thing?" I asked not knowing if I wanted to find out the answer to my question.

"Well you see I've know Harry my entire life, so I know when he finds a new girl. He becomes obsessed with her and starts finding out off of the girl's information. When he thinks he found out enough, which most times he has, he can almost predict her every move. Then, he snatches her." Louis replied and I felt even more sick than before and threw up into the toilet again.

"How many girls has Harry taken?" I asked.

"You're the fifth one. But he says you're "different" it's something about the way you talk or maybe walk. I don't know I didn't pay attention really. Or maybe it's because you're the first virgin he has ever taken and when or if you ever leave this place he will take that from you," Louis explained very bored.

My face flushed red when he said virgin and turned white when he said it will be taken from me. And Louis turned to walk away with a slight smirk plastered on his face.

"Louis?" I asked my voice shaking with fear.

"Yes love?"

"Where are the girls?" I asked dreading to know the answer.

"Dead," he said calmly and walked out of the room and locking it behind him.

*hope u like the chap! It's going to get more interesting in the next couple of chapters!!!! Please make sure to vote and leave your comments! Love u guys -Carly

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