Chapter 8

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"Harry!" I choked out. I have been crying so hard that I could barley breathe.

"Fucking bastard!" Harry shouted and ripped Louis off of me. I quickly got up and wrapped a blanket around my body and ran to the bathroom locking myself inside.

I heard yelling and things smashing and I figured that Harry was beating the ever loving shit out of Louis. I laid on the bathroom floor and looked under the crack of the door.

All I saw was broken glass and blood covering the floor.The noises stopped and I heard a door slam and the skidding of tires outside. Then there was a knock on the door and I didn't say anything, all I could do was cry.

"Zora? Babe please let me in," it was Harry and he was talking in a very sad tone.

"Are you going to hurt me?" I asked still crying from the event that just happened.

"No of coarse not, I promise I would never do that," he replied back.

"Yeah? That's what they all say and someone always gets hurt."

"Yeah well I'm not like any of those other duchebags," he said and a small smile formed on my lips. I decided to get up off the floor and unlock the door. Harry opened the door as soon as he heard the lock and came in. And to my surprise he hugged me, holding me close.

I let him hug me as we both slid down to the floor leaning against the bathtub. And I cried. I wasn't embarrassed at all, I was just scared and Harry stroked my hair as I cried into his chest.



"We need to talk," he said and picked me up bridal style as he carried me into the guest bedroom since mine was destroyed.

"Where did Louis go?" I asked as he gently set me down.

"He's gone. Probably went to his home. I broke his nose for sure, but the bastard took off before I could smash his fucking dick into little tiny pieces," he said smirking at me as I remember telling Harry the same thing and smiled back at him.

"Good, that fucker deserved it."

"Yes and more," Harry said as he sat next to me on the bed and held my hand.

"Harry? What is it?"

"Zora, I don't even know where to start because it's complicated, Louis is a bad person," he began.

"He wasn't when I saw him a few hours ago in your house!" I began to raise my voice.

"What? What the fuck are you talking about?" he said with concern on his face.

"He came into that room you locked me in!" I shouted. "It's you fault I was sexually assaulted you prick!"

"Okay, whoa Zora, he must have broke into the house when I was taking a shower, what did he tell you?" he asked sternly.

"Um, that uh, you," I began but couldn't finish the sentence.

"Zora you need to tell me!" Harry said getting off of the bed and kneeling in front of me.

"He said that you, uh you, um that their dead?" I said and felt my chest tighten, I couldn't breathe. I started clutching my chest gasping for air.

"Fuck, Zora where's your inhaler?" Harry asked getting up with a panicked look on his face.

"Ba-bathroo-oom," I gasped out feeling light headed as Harry ran into my bathroom bringing me my inhaler. He held it up to my mouth as I took a deep breathe trying to control my breathing. Harry walked out of the room and returned with a glass of water handing it to me.

I took a sip and Harry knelt on the floor in front of me as I sat on the bed. I handed him the glass and he sat it on the nightstand.

"Zora, I want you to talk slow and calm down alright?"

"Yeah," I puffed out.

"Okay. What did Louis say? Who is dead?" he asked me slowly so I could understand him.

"He said you kidnap girls you like and I need to listen to you. Or I'll basically, I'll be like the others and he said you know everything about. Those that you kidnapped. He said there were four other girls and I asked where they were and he said that they were dead. That you killed them." I finished making she to pause and breathe.

"Bastard," Harry muttered under his breath. "Okay he said that to scare you alright? I'm going to protect you alright? It's my job," Harry said calmly.

"What job? You locked me in a fucking room!" I yelled gasping for air again.

"Zora! You need to calm down and not get mad alright? Your asthma acts up every time," Harry said getting annoyed at me for getting mad.

"I know!"

"Okay I'm just making sure your alright," he said calmly.


"I know this is a touchy subject but I'm going to bring it up anyways. Zora, that fire wasn't an accident," my eyes grew wide and the tears slowly streamed down my face.

"What?" was all I could say.

"Zora. It was Louis."

"Oh god!" I croaked out and began to sob. Harry got up and sat next to me and held my like a small child. I didn't know what to say, I felt broken and defeated.

"I have been following Louis and the so called "kidnapped" girls are the ones I save," he continued and took a deep breath. "Louis killed them because they refused to be with him."

"Oh god! He's going to kill me!" I croaked out again still sobbing.

"Zora! Listen to me!" He yelled grabbing on to my shoulders. "I promise you that he will never lay a finger on you again! I will always be there for you."

"Thank you Harry," I mumbled.

"It's okay babe," he said stroking my hair. "And there's something else."


"Oliver isn't your cousin."

Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me.

"Pack your stuff. Your not safe here. There's so much you don't know, and so much you need to learn. Your staying with me for a while. I can't protect you from Louis here. He already knows where you live." I got off the bed and started already to my room.

"But he knows where you live too." I stated pulling out a suitcase and a couple of bags. I couldn't stay here. I'm terrified of what Louis has done and or what he might do to me. I'm still not one hundred percent comfortable with Harry, but I was not. staying. here.

a/n: holy fucking shit -carly

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