epilogue - 2

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Henry's pov - "hey, let's go baby" Sarah said while taking me with her to almost every shops in this huge mall. I rolled my eyes and ignored her my best. She is like a timebomb of energy. I was very tired of mindlessly roaming the whole complex with her while she buys thing after thing. Sarah is daneils neighbour. Daniel introduced us and forced me to date her. James too thought it was a good idea. However Rick was not that happy. I have been dating Sarah for 2 years now and I cannot say that I got even a little bit attracted to her. She is so annoying and a total barbie. Yeah sex is good but the cheerfulness is so overwhelming. How much ever I try, I can't like her or anyone else in that matter. It's just that, that the part of me left with her and that's not coming back how much ever I want it. I sighted. I can't think about her right now, not after so many years.

"Hey, what's the matter baby?" Sarah asked kissing me on my cheek.

"Nothing I am Just tired. Can we go home yet?" I asked.

"Ok fine but you need to take me for dinner today" she said smiling deviously. I fake smiled and nodded. I know what I have to do.

"Ok wait a minute. I need to use washroom. I'll be back" she said and walked off. I sighted. It was tempting to leave her here and go. But I was reminded of today's dinner date. I dialed daneils number and called him.

"What's up buddy" daneil greeted.

"Why am I having a date today evening and know nothing about it?" I asked furiously.

"Woah, what are you talking about? I don't know anything about your date tonight" he said clearly not knowing anything. Before I say anything James spoke from beside him.

"That would be me" james said. I rubbed my forehead.

"What did you do?" Daniel asked him.

"I just told Sarah that Henry is taking her on a date tonight" james explained.

"And why would you do that?" I asked irritation evident in my tone.

"Because you are not taking any initiative bro. You need to spend more time together" james explained.

"Yeah. He is right Henry. She is your girlfriend" daneil reminded.

"I know. I just... I just don't feel anything for her. It's like I am empty when I am with her. I don't like her" I try to explain.

"It's ok henry. If you don't like her just tell her so" Rick suggested first time. They all must be together and the phone must be on speaker.

"Nooo. Are you crazy. She is the one for you buddy" daneil says.

"Yeah, you should atleast give it a thought" james speaks.

"I am asking myself that for 2 years but I am not interested in her" I said.

"Ok henry, listen I know it's hard for you after pia. But you have to move on, she is not coming back and when you are with Sarah, you don't think of her and that's progress. You've been together for 2 years now, atleast try a little harder" daneil said seriously. Nobody spoke anything after that. It's still a sore topic after 5 whole years. I sighed.

"Ok. I'll try" I said and I disconnect the call. I have to try and give it a shot. It's been 5 years, she is not coming back and even if she comes, what are the chances that she is not married or having a boyfriend already. Maybe she moved on while I am stuck here.

"Hey baby, come on let's go" Sarah comes and drags me to the parking almost bouncing.

Sarah drived the car while I sat in the passenger seat. She blabbered continuously while I did my best to concentrate on hers story of her dad and the merchant. Hers dad is the mayor. She never stops talking about all the luxuries and the money. I stare out of the window to the familiar places.

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