chapter five

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[Feb 5, 8:00 a.m.]

Jihoon wakes to Seungcheol peppering kisses on his face, hand cupping the back of his neck, and Jihoon's shoulders stiffen under his shirt.

For a moment he can keep the vomit at bay, but when Seungcheol licks a stripe up his chin to his cheek Jihoon struggles against his hold and rolls over in bed to vomit on the floor.

Seungcheol sighs.

[Feb 5, 9:33 a.m.]


"Aren't you...?"

"Not hungry."

Jihoon looks down at his cereal.

Of course he doesn't eat normal food anymore, you dumb fuck. He eats people. He eats their flesh and drinks their blood and breaks their bones with his hands to lap at the bone marrow, he plucks their eyes out and eats them like grapes -

"Eat, Ji."

Jihoon eats.

[Feb 5, 12:15 p.m.]

"I need you to behave, Ji." Seungcheol says softly, hand squeezing the back of his neck gently. "I don't want to hurt anyone else because of you. I gotta go. I'll be right back. Just need some groceries for you."

Jihoon doesn't respond, sweat beading at his temples with Seungcheol behind him where he can't see him, can't reach him.

He could snap your neck in seconds, you can't turn around to defend yourself in time, he's waiting for you to fight back.

"Okay." Jihoon says. He feels Seungcheol's hand tighten its hold for a moment before it disappears completely. It's like a ton of bricks were heaved off his shoulders and Jihoon can breathe a little easier.

"Behave, Ji."

Seungcheol leaves Jihoon sitting on the couch, staring vacantly at the tv.

When Seungcheol comes back, he finds Jihoon just how he left him.

[Feb 6, 7:41 a.m.]

Seungcheol wakes Jihoon up with kisses, hand heavy on the nape of his neck.

Jihoon vomits again.

Seungcheol sighs and smiles sadly, "It's okay. You'll get used to it."

[Feb 7, 8:16 a.m.]

Seungcheol wakes Jihoon up with kisses. Jihoon doesn't vomit, just gags.

Seungcheol smiles like Jihoon just told him he loves him.

[Feb 7, 2:34 p.m.]

Seungcheol goes shopping again.

Jihoon hears frantic knocking down the hall. A voice calls out for Hyejoo.

Jihoon behaves.

[Feb 8, 8:00 a.m.]

"Good morning." Seungcheol whispers, holding Jihoon close.

Jihoon doesn't respond, pressing his face harder to Seungcheol's chest.

Please be a nightmare, please be a nightmare, please be a nightmare, please please please.

Seungcheol cups the back of his head and presses a kiss to his temple.

Seungcheol pulls back and Jihoon can see the tint of red in his eyes.

"Morning." Jihoon croaks out, following Seungcheol's body and once again pressing his face to his chest. That way he can pretend, even if it's for a minute.

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