chapter seven

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[Feb 15, 6:21 a.m.]

Jihoon wakes to Seungcheol pressed up against his back. His arms are loose around Jihoon's middle, face between his shoulder blades. He can feel cold puffs of breath on his skin through his tshirt.

Jihoon blinks his heavy eyes and pulls away from Seungcheol, sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Where are you going?"

Jihoon flinches, curling up on himself before he turns to look at Seungcheol over his shoulder.

His eyes are brown again, half lidded and drowsy. His eyes furrow at Jihoon's reaction and Jihoon worries he's annoyed Seungcheol.

"Bathroom." Jihoon whispers, forcing himself to uncoil. His hand reaches out against his will, combing his fingers through Seungcheol's hair.

Seungcheol's eyes flutter shut, his mouth curling up into a smile. Jihoon lets out a breath and leaves to go to the bathroom.

His head is ducked when he enters.

The whole time he can hear his reflection whispering, tapping against the mirror and it only grows louder when he approaches the sink to wash his hands.

" - like it don't you? Don't want to. Wanna stay. Don't wanna leave. He loves you. You love him. He got you a ring. He always needs skin to skin contact. Who will ever love you like he does? Who, who, who, who - "

Jihoon's head is still ducked when he leaves the bathroom. He can finally breathe properly when he does. He crawls back to bed, curling up against Seungcheol's chest.

He wishes Seungcheol was warm. He wishes the hotel bedsheets weren't so stiff and rough. He wants to be in his own bed.

Their bed.

"Can I ask you a question?" Jihoon whispers. Seungcheol hums, pulling Jihoon closer.

Jihoon wishes be could hear two heartbeats instead of just his own.

"Why do you think I'm not like you? I mean, you bit me. And then I was healed after a few hours."

"I helped you." Seungcheol says. Jihoon can feel the rumble of his voice. He helped, his mind echoes, he helped. "I don't know why, but I just - I put some of my blood on it and it healed. I don't know why my bite didn't hurt you."

Didn't hurt you. Didn't hurt you. Didn't hurt you.

Jihoon tries to remember how bad it hurt when Seungcheol tried to rip his throat out.

Rip your throat out? Now you're just being dramatic. It was only a bite.

Jihoon tries to remember the pain, but he most he can remember is an itch, subtle and under his skin just out of his reach. Perhaps the fear had made it seem worse than it was.

He tries to remember what the wound had looked like in the mirror and the only thing that he can see are the indents of Seungcheol's teeth.

Did he bleed? He can't remember. Probably not.

What was Jihoon going to ask next?

He can't quite remember.

Jihoon squirms closer to Seungcheol and falls asleep again.

[Feb 15, 8:53 a.m.]

Jihoon wakes up to Seungcheol wrapped all around him, humming as he traces lazy circles on Jihoon's back.

Jihoon tilts his head up to press a kiss to Seungcheol's throat, smiling lazily when Seungcheol laughs.

"Good morning." Seungcheol says. He pulls away to look down at Jihoon. "I got you something."

Jihoon goes stiff at that. His smile feels like plastic. His blood runs cold.

Seungcheol pays him no mind.

He turns to the nightstand and holds up a gold rosary.

"I know we're not the religious type, but I thought it was pretty."

"Do I have to wear it?" Jihoon asks.

"Hm. Only if you take off your ring. You have to wear something. The ring or this. Both if you want to."

Jihoon glances at the rosary. He extends his hand out like it's a rabid animal. He gently takes it from Seungcheol's grasp. He rolls the beads between his fingers thoughtfully before he sits up and puts it on. He tucks it inside his shirt before turning a wobbly smile at Seungcheol.

"It hurts." He says.

Seungcheol smiles back. He leans in to place a kiss on Jihoon's lips. Jihoon presses back gently.

"It's okay. You'll get used to it."

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