Chapter- 18 Fight

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Morning arrived as the two were still laying in bed

Suga turned to see Jimin's beautiful face he rapped his hands around his waist as he was about to go back to sleep he checked his watch it was already 7:30am

"Aye chim chim wake up" he said tapping Jimin's shoulder

"We gotto get ready for school"

"Uhh what time us it"

"Its 7:30 are you feeling better to go to school"

"Yeah a little "

"Ok well get up we gotto get ready I also have a test"

"But why do we have to go to school ughh"

"Chim if you wanna stay I'll make some breakfast for you and let you stay"

"No no I wanna be with you" he said pouting

"Well let's get up and get read"

"Fine ok"

Jimin was about to roll off the other side of bed when he was pulled back and received a kissed from suga he then whispered in his ear

"Go get ready before you get punished" he said with a smirk

Jimin gulped and walked 

He took a bath while suga was downstairs preparing breakfast for them to eat he mad eggs and bacon

Jimin didnt dry his hair out he just pulled on his uniform and went downstairs

"Hi" he said taking one of the bacons

Shit he looks so hot right now

Suga said to himself

"Uhh I'm gonna go bathe now make sure you eat I'll be back" he said kissing him on his forehead

"Uhh ok"

Suga went upstairs their bags were already packed since the day before so he just had to take a bath

It was 8:30am he took his bath and then carried down their book bags he was walking while using his phone when he looked up and he was shocked

"Amm chim why haven't you eaten as yet"

"Oh I was waiting for you and now that you're here we can eat"he said with a smile

"Hmm ok"

"He sat at the table with jimin"

They were eating together when suga's phone rang


"Yoo where the heck are you guys we have a test starting 15 minutes from now and we gotto do something before that about like in 5 minutes"

"SHIT were coming"


"Chim we gotto leave now"

"But uh"

"NO NO WE HAVE TO GO!" He said screaming making the younger flinch

They entered in the car..

"Amm who was that"

"It was Taehyung we gotto get to school now"

"oh okay" jimin turned away facing the window with a pout

When he suddenly felt his fingers being intertwined

"Look I'm sorry for screaming at you and I love you but just stay near me today cause your still sick"

Jimin didnt respond he just turned away

Suga started the car and they drove off

They reached to school super quick but it was too late suga missed his test or so he thought

"Shit what the heck am I supposed to do now .....this is your fault"

"My fault how is this my fault"

"If you had eaten when I told you too I wouldn't have missed my test now everyone is in there doing theirs"

"Oh so I see how this is now you know what I'm perfectly fine how about we take a break since I dont wanna ruin any more of your plans"

Jimin walked away when he felt himself being pushed against a locker and received a punched to his face

"Oh it's you again" he looked up to see the school bully

"Since your bestfriend isn't here how about we just"

He was cutted off after receiving a punch in his face

"Argh dont you ever touch him again"

"Oh I'm so scared"

"I'm serious dont touch him"

He literally pushed jimin on the ground suga was already boiling with anger he couldnt stand it anymore

He ran straight to him pushing him on the floor he cuffed and kicked him till he was out of  breath they were fighting each other until the principal came walking down the hallway.......

i fell in love with my bestfriend | yoonmin Where stories live. Discover now