Behind closed doors;Wanda Maximoff

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"You brought me sunshine,
when I only saw rain.
You brought me laughter,
When I only felt pain."

-Donna Donathan

Imagine: Wanda Maximoff shut everyone out after her brother died in battle. Nobody could talk to her and she barely came out of her room. When you joined the team everyone told you to leave her alone but you could always feel her sadness and lonliness. So you may or may not disobey them. 


You were the vigilantie Metis. You were infamous for taking down criminals spies and powerful villians. You were a shapeshifter and an empath and you could teleport and manipulate the weather and you were a smart straegist. That meant everyone wanted you on their side. You had been offered a spot on the X-Men, the defenders, kidnapped by hydra, and the redroom but you always escaped or turned them down. You decided you worked better alone. 

That was until Shield started coming after you. You had saved their agents countless times and even helped the avengers a bit. So after them asking for 2 years you decided you'd join the avengers. You could leave whenever you wanted so you had no obligation to stay. You moved in the tower and met the team and they gave you a tour and a bedroom on your own floor. Right now Tony was giving you a tour.

"That is the gym over there and their is also one on your floor." Tony said. "I think that's it. If you need to find anything just ask Friday." Tony explained. You guys stopped in front of a door. "Thanks Tony." You said. "No problem." You looked at the door behind you and were immediately hit with a wave of sadness and regret. "Who's room is that?" You asked pointing to the door. "That's Wanda's room." Tony said and motioned for you to start walking.

"Who's wanda?" You asked. "She's the scarlet witch." Steve said from the couch as you guys entered the common room. "The one from Sokovia?" You asked. "Yeah." Steve confirmed. "Do I get to meet her or...?" You asked. "I'd leave her alone if I were you. She's been going through alot lately so we just leave her to herself." Sam said. "What happened?" You asked. "We don't like to talk about it." Tony stepped in. "Okay." You said skeptically. 

"Well thanks for the tour. I'm gonna go put my stuff away." You said walking to the elevator. "Night (Y/N)." Steve called. "Night." You said back. You had settled in and followed their reccomendation but you got worried. Every time you passed her room you could feel a strong sadness and longing and lonliness. You noticed she rarely ate and didn't think it was good for her to be alone. You didn't know what happened to the team but whatever it was, was bad.

Your body didn't need more than 4 hours of sleep so you were pretty much always up and their was always someone up, stratled from a nightmare or too sad to sleep. You would use your powers to calm them down and get them to sleep but you never saw Wanda once. You decided today that you would bring her some food. You had made some Chicken paprikash and put it in a bowl and made the journey too her room.

When you got there you could feel her pain from the elevator. You softly knocked on her door. You heard some shuffling and a faint "Come in". You opened the door and saw her dimly lit room. Her room was painted a light scarlet and she had a desk, a flat screen, a walk in closet, what you guess was the bathroom, and a lamp. She was sitting on her bed surrounded by tissues. You closed the door behind you. "I told you I'm-" She cut herself off looking back at you.

"Who are you?" She asked. "I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Most people know me as Metis. I'm a new addition to the team." You explained. "I'm Wanda." Wanda introduced. You walked towards her. "Can I sit?" You asked motioning to the spot next to her. "Sure." She said. "What are you doing in here?" Wanda asked. "Well I was worried. I never see you come out of your room and everytime I pass I can feel your pain and sadness and I can hear you crying." You explained.

"You can feel my sadness?" She asked confused. "I'm an empath." You explained. "So were you sent by the team to make me talk? Another threapist?" Wanda asked. "No. The team doesn't know I'm here. I brought you Chicken paprikash. I assumed you'd be hungry because I never see you come to eat." You said handing her the food. She looked at you skeptically. "We don't have to talk of you don't want to." You said. She nodded and took the food. 

You guys sat in a comfortable silence while she ate. When she was done she quietly handed you her bowl and said thank you. You smiled at her, took the bowl, and walked out her room, closing the door behind you. It became a tradition for you. Pretty soon you were bringing her 3 meals a day. It took weeks for her to start talking to you. 

It started with a few sentences. Then you guys were joking around and watching movies. She came out of her room a little at night just to see you and whenever you passed her room you could feel less and less sadness. You would always feel excitement when she heard you coming. Over time you both developed a crush on eachother. Though neither of you acted on it in fear of losing what you had with the other.

She was doing really well until one day the sadness was back. You knocked on her door and heard a soft "Go away." You frowned. She never ever told you to go away. You, being the amazing best friend you were, decided too come in anyway. "Hey." You said sitting next to her. "I brought you breakfast." You said holding up the IHOP bag. She didn't look up at you. She just kept looking at the book in her lap.

"Wanda. What's wrong?" You asked. She didn't answer. You handed her the food and sat next to her knowing she didn't want to talk. You guys ate in silence. You got up to leave and she finally said something. "It's my birthday." She whispered. You looked at her. "Happy birthday." You said. She patted the bed motioning for you to sit next to her. You quickly obliged.

She didn't say anything but handed you the book. You took it and looked at it. You slowly opened the book. On the front was 2 birth certificates. One for Wanda and another for a Pietro Django Maximoff both born February 10, 1992. You looked at her confused wondering why she never mentioned a twin and where he was. You flipped through looking at photos of her and him from the past 24 years.

She would tell you stories of some of the photos and you would chuckle at some and awe at others. The last page she looked away for. It was the death certificate for Pietro. You looked it over at least 1000 times before turning to a silently sobbing wanda. "Oh wanda." You gasped. "It's my first birthday without him." She sobbed. You just hugged her as she cried. You guys must've been there for at least an hour before she stopped.

"You okay?" You asked her. "I will be." Wanda said looking into your eyes. You guys got caught in eachothers gazed. You didn't notice Wanda lean in for a kiss until her lips hit yours. You were shocked so you didn't kiss her back. She pulled away thinking she just messed everything up. "I'm sorry (Y/N). I didn't mean to I just-" You cut her off by kissing her. She immediately kissed you back. 

You pulled back and stared into her eyes. "You know how long I've been waiting for you to do that?" You asked her with a giggle. She giggled with you. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Wanda asked out of the blue. "Of course." You said. Wanda smiled and kissed you again. "Can we cuddle and watch Love, Simon?" Wanda asked. You turned into a golden retriever and snuggled next to her. She laughed and turned on Love, Simon. That's how you guys stayed for the rest of the day. Cuddling and watching love movies.


I should probably go to sleep. It's 0230 where I am.

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