I don't love you: Bucky barnes

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Imagine: Finding out Bucky doesn't love you anymore


You sat in the bed of your apartment staring out the window just watching people pass. You were trying to think of something other than him but your brain just seemed to wnt to play yesterdays event's in your head over and over again. 

You  knew that you had grown distant from Bucky lately but you just thought it was from missions. You tried to get his attention and schedule dates with him but even when he wasn;t, he was always busy. So you decided to confront him about it yesterday.

"Hey Bucky." You said coming into his room. "Hey." He said. You sat down next to him. "What's been going on with you recently? You've been distant." You said. "Iv've been....working." He said. "Didn't you go paintballing yesterday with Steve and Sam? And you had a week off last week." You said.

He stared over at me. "You can talk to me." You said. "I...I think we need to break up." He said. You froze, that's not what you were expecting. "What?" You asked baffled. "I..I...I can't do this anymore." He said. "But Bucky I love you." You said.

"I' m sorry that you love me, because I don't love you back. I'm sorry that you find passion in me, and I don't find it in you. I'm sorry I'm all you think you think about, and I never think about you." He said. He got up and brought you to the parking lot and helped you in your car. "But most of all..." He said.

You looked up at him still holding on to a little hope. "I'm sorry that you ever thought I loved  you. Because I didn't." He said. You silently wiped yor tears and got in your car. "Then why'd you do it? Why'd you date me?" You asked him. "I thought I like you but never had the heart to tell you I didn't." He said.

You shook your head and drove off not knowing what else to say. You watched as he stood there becoming smaller and smaller in your rearview. As soon as you got home you cried yourself to sleep. The man you loved, gave your all too, planned your life around, just told you that you never meant anything to him.

So as you sat on your bed and looked as the couples passd by wondering why you weren't good enough. Wondering what you could've done to make him stay. The truth was there was nothing you could do. It simply wasn't meant to be.


3am + depressing songs = this shit

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