Chapter #4 Iron Curtain

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So summer is fast approaching and i will have more time to update.Also i need to do unhealthy nights by staying up writing i will do anything for my fans! So why did i post it? Because the net proxy is an A hole so i cant post anything in the next 2 days So my fans wont rot i posted this. =D

"I'm proud of all of you!" Diana shouted

We were all lined up with our Kalashnikovs and in Full combat uniforms. We were inside a foot ball stadium the Renegades turned it into a forward barracks the place started to decay because of the trees and plants their were Veteran Renegades watching us graduate training

"Finally we can get to the front lines!" Harakov whispered to me with a voice of excitement

Then Diana step down from the stage we did not know what will happen until a guy with a scarred left eye rose up on the stage... His face? It's burnt and it looked like he has seen the true face of death and destruction.

"You are all soldiers of Russia but i know not all of you will come back."

Sokolov cleared his throat and gulped

"If any of you wish not to fight you will be positioned to another post just raise your hand and we will not ask why you want to back out." He said

Well I looked around a dude next to me is sweating and pale as hell. But he is right maybe i wont come back i will get killed in combat..And maybe i wont see my Mother again..

So my mind was racing my heart was beating at a fast rate i think it will pulputate


"Congratulations its either you have a heart full of courage or your ball sacks are small Welcome to the front!" The man shouted and gave us a salute




"How wants to join Alpha Squad?" He said

I then raised my hand and asked."What is their role in the faction war sir?"

"Their job is infiltration in enemy lines! The "Iron curtain" Or the barrier between the Unity and Renegade will meet heavy fighting so your job is to clear the Curtain so our main force can move in and capture the territory we have been trying to claim for a long time! Am i clear private?!"

"Sir yes sir! I would like to volunteer in the squad sir! For the honor of mother Russia and for my self Danielle Ivanov. I will be the Assault Specialist" I shouted

"Well shit i admire your bravery! Who wants to join him?!" He asked

"I'm in my name is Harakov! I will serve as the Demolitions!!" Harakov shouted

"Well shit.. Friends until the end right?! Of course I'm fucking in!! I'm Sokolov" Sokolov smiled

"I'm Roman! I would like to join the squad. I will be the Support Gunner!!"

"I'm not good at introducing myself but im Scar! Marksman and Tracker!" Scar raised his hand i looked at him and i saw a big scar at his face it looks like a claw mark of a mutant

"Im Chernov! I will be the Team Medic!" He said

"I'm Dimitri i will serve as the Gunner Assistant!"

"Well crap I'm Levi the Spotter!" He smiled

"And I'm Niko i will be the Trapper i was born to trap animals and Unity soldiers!" He said jokingly

"Very good you ALL will receive an award for your bravery! Please understand that not all of you will come back!" He said

"I swore my allegiance to protect the people fuck yeah i will die! But i will die with a cause!! I have a reason the fight for!! HHUUURRRRAAAA!!!" I Shouted and raised my Kalashnikov just by saying that i silenced the guys who did not want to join Alpha squad


We then rode a Truck going to the front.The truck is powered by Solar energy and we soon came up and the gate of the military barracks and finally we will head to the battle front after hours of travel we started to ask questions about each others past.

"Hey Harakov i haven't yet asked what was your past any parents wife girlfriends? Anything" Roman asked

"Ehh..I was raised in Trinity church the town next to it..I had parents but they were poor so i wanted to help them with their everyday life so i decided to join the front. How about you Roman?" Harakov said

"I was Conscripted that's all i can say." He smiled

"Hey Scar." I asked him


"Whats your past and..How did you got that scar? I kept wondering."

"Well i was born at the Surface D6 near the Moscow Metro i had a loving family a Mother,Father,And an Grand father they loved me dearly until a certain incident happened" Before he can continue he was holding a SVD or Dragunov i saw him grip it tightly while all of us were listening.

"I wandered far away from home seeking adventures until..My Parents looked for me they eventually found me at a canal but..We were attacked by..A Widow Maker"

"A Widow maker?! Shit its like 7ft tall and arms that look like tree branches and its covered in hair and its bipedal i heard rumors that its skull is so thick that 50cal cant even penetrate it and with a single slash with its claws you will be cut in half!" Chernov the Medic said

Just by hearing that i was terrified i imagined my self facing one of them.

"So my dad he was a Mutant hunter he had a Mosin nagant he tried his best to protect me and my Mother but right in front of me i saw him get killed in front of me his Bones,Internal organs were flying and my Mom had the same fate..And then it grabbed me by the face its claws embedded deep in my face luckily a group of Hunters saw the creature it threw me away and retreated back at the Forest." He said expressing it in a bitter way.

"What forest?" Sokolov asked

"The Red forest." He said

"The Red forest that's the most Radioactive place in the Moscow ruins! It's like a black zone at the middle of the green zone!" Levi said

"Yeah Rumor has it that gas masks don't work at black zones." Dimitri explained

"Hey better stop talking comrade's we are near the Drop zone better load up your weapons and pray! Good luck and Good night!" The Driver said and pulled the Truck over at a Desolated Road i was the first to step down and i check the time 1:30 AM Scar our Tracker and Navigator pulled out a PDA and checked the Map.

"Alright the Curtain is Three Kilometers away its night time so we have the advantage. We dont have any Silent weapons so..Stay low and Quiet avoid Guards and Gunfire here we go." He said silently

Levi Turned on the radio.The Radio to contact HQ or Head Quarters

"We got coordinates we are at..Grid 02643676 Foxtrot Xray Tango Whiskey 7" He said

"Ok your on the air Alpha your objective is clear good luck out!" HQ replied

"Roger that HQ moving to primary objective over." Levi replied and finally put down the radio

Then we started to walk at an Apartment complex it was fairly large we had to cut the rusty metal wires with our knives and bayonets.

"Hold up." Dimitri said and gave us the stop signal by clutching your hand and rasing it

I notice something dripping at my head i then realize it was raining..

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