the boy with curls

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Lances POV

Uhh my alarm clock didn't go off, I rolled over to check the time and it was 10:08 am as I rubbed my eyes I realized I didn't have anymore contact lenses and rolled myself out of bed. groaning I grabbed my ugly red glasses put them on, brushed my teeth and went to say good morning to the others.

Allura is the first I saw

I yawned loudly as I greeted Allura who was walking by  "good morning princess."

She spoke so quickly.  "good morning lance." 

Shiro walked over to Allura with what I'm guessing is coffee.

"morning lance."

Hunk glanced over at me
"good morning lance-"
He looked puzzled and said

"since when did you start wearing glasses?"

Quick POV change from no one's and back to lance:

Everyone quickly looked at lance confused and saw curly brown hair and lance wearing red glasses and obviously still in his pajamas.

Back to lance POV:

I was a little embarrassed

"uh I wear contacts but ran out today so i uh- I um  have to wear these stupid glasses."

Keith Was leaning on the wall and scared the quiznak out of me.

Keith was now behind me and I could already tell he was going to say something sarcastic  "well you can't look worse than you already do lance." He said while smirking

I turned around to glare at him

(Cue slow motion romance music)

Keith's POV:

He turned around and next thing I know is I'm blushing at the sight of this beautiful curly Cuban boy in front of me. I got Lost in thought when shiro said something that I didn't hear, but lance waved his hand in front of my eyes and confused i Stupidly said


Shiro gave a small smile. "you were staring at lance for a while keith."

I felt my face start feeling warm  "I-I was not!"

Pidge decided to make one of her smartass comments  "uh huh keep telling yourself that."

I felt my face get hotter, shoving my hands in my jacket pockets I walked over to a seat.

"I was not!"

Coran walked in the room and looked at lance and I was low-key listening "why whatever did you do with your hair lance?"

"Oh I just um woke up like this."

Coran ruffled his hair  "well I like it."

"well I guess it's ok." He said shyly while feeling his hair.

Hunk was chuckling to himself  "well pretty soon you and Keith might be mullet twins."

"HEY!" We both said it at the same time that I might've almost made shiro drop his cup

"oh we are not mullet twins! I don't even have a mullet my hair just grew out a bit." Lance crossed his arms and huffed

Pidge was eating space goo while chewing she said "a bit?"

"ok well it grew out so what?"

*Castle alarm goes off*

Coran looked at his screen before looking at Allura  "uh princess it's a galra attack."

Allura spoke loudly  "I'll put up the shields."

Shiro was walking over to us  "all right let's suit up!"

(Author note, chapter two might be up tomorrow)

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