the good bois

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Keith dead asleep "they are the good bois"

Lance now curious "who are the good bois Keith?"

Keith sighed before his answer "All"

That was just an idea I had. The real story will continue after this quick coffe break. Wii music plays in the background~

Keith! holy fuck he looks hot.
Ofc lance would think that.
That bit isn't in the script but I added it anyway~

This side of paradise plays*

Lances POV:

"N-no more cheese mr. Chubbs...

I shook my head and looked around sleepily and stretched my back then my arms over my head. "Guuuhg" it felt relieving to stretch. the chair I was in was actually quite comfortable, I looked around for the mice, making sure they hadn't fallen off my blanket when I stood, I let out a huge sigh of relief when I saw them over by the door.
"Good morning little guys"

"I though I accidentally smooshed you"

It seemed like they were reassuring me that I didn't, buuuut I don't speak space mouse so I have no clue.  Then They just went to nap on a table in the back of the room, there was gauze and other medical stuff there.

Hunk walked in the room but I was still watching the mice  "hey lance how are you doing today?"

"Well I woke up a few minutes ago and freaked out for a minute thinking I smooshed the mice  cause I woke up not seeing them, they're taking a nap now. but that's it I guess"

Hunk was holding something in a tupperware container, he noticed I was looking at it and handed it to me. "I made them with a little alteration to the recipe"

I opened it curious to see what it was, when I cracked the lid open the smell immediately hit me like a truck, it wasn't a foul smell but it didn't smell great either kind of like metal and sugar.

"Are these the cookies you made a while back, I thought they weren't...Ya'know uh edible?"

"Uh they are but these ones are actually edible-" coran walked in eating one he previously just got "And quite delicious! Go on." He motioned for me to try one.

I hesitantly grabbed one of the crystal blue cookies that, hopefully won't break my teeth. And took a small bite...... Mmm! This is great hunk" I wasn't expecting it to be delicious like that. It kind of tasted like some kind of fruit and rock candy.

Hunk just smiled  and bowed dramatically, then took off his care bear apron that said "share with the cook." Weird I know but it suits him, I'm pretty sure he got it at the space mall that one time.

I took another bite as they walked out the room, after a while I got hungry, feels like I haven't eaten in a thousand years! I swear I can feel myself getting skinnier and skinnier.  I hopped over to the door although I forgot my sticky stick and started making my way to the kitchen for something to drink, maybe a nice salami sandwich too while I'm there.

I got maybe a few rooms away before I got a cramp and fell, luckily shiro was walking in the same hallway when i fell.

He rushed to help me up "lance what are you doing out here?!"

I took a loong sigh before answering him "going to get something to drink and a salami sandwich"

Shiro and I looked at the end of the hallway and saw the door to the kitchen. "So could you help me get there? Pleeease!" I tried doing my best pouty face.

"Sigh, okay I'll help you" Shiro put his robo arm which was absolutely cold but it was a good thing I got my robe and put it on last night, we slowly walked over there,

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