fuck it

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This is my story title I'll change it later~

At lance and Keith's funeral princess Allura glared at the caskets because obviously these two paladins are idiots.

"We are gathered here today because these two couldn't stay alive long enough for us to defeat zarkon or all those other... How was it pronounced? Ah yes bitches! all those other bitches so now we have to win this war without them."

"Hopefully we can save the galaxy's and stop zarkon."

They lost! and all the cake in the world was gone forever...this world was now a sad cakeless tiny speck of dust floating throughout space and time. One day there will be a new hope
(cue star wars music) (wait yo imagine zarkon had Darth Vader theme song that would be awesome!)

Just as you'd think everything couldn't get any worse a giant flamingo comes full speed at me knocking me into a valley of an endless starry sky surrounded by all sorts of amazing flowers shrubbery and mountains in the far of distance.

It was only then I noticed Keith next to me he saw me staring and said "don't worry no matter how incredible or beautiful you think you are mothman will always be second best compared to you." And with that he brought his hands up to his face and ripped off a mask revealing the true mastermind shrek!

I tried to scream but I fell into a tub or orbees (Idk how to spell it ok) with hunk putting me into an oven I was able to talk so I frantically screamed for Shiro to get me out of the oven. Just then I was jolted awake by someone gently shaking me.

When I opened my eyes I was blinded by a bright light then my eyes slowly adjusted. Coran, shiro hunk and Allura were staring at me with worry and panic in their eyes.

Shiro was the first to speak he was also still holding my shoulders. "Lance are you ok?" He spoke softly but with panic still there. "S-shiro?" I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't still dreaming. "What happened?"

"It seemed like you were having a nightmare, but you were also screaming so we ran over here"

Hunk spoke next then coran. "Yeah nearly gave me a heart attack dude" "are you all right lance maybe you would like something to drink?"

"Uh n-no but thanks anyway, I just had a bad dream"

Pidge walked past the door out in the hallway yawning "obviously or else I wouldn't be awake!"

Shiro made a face and rolled his eyes before looking back at me.

"Are you sure you are ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine shiro"

Allura started walking away as did coran and hunk while telling me to let them know if I needed anything, shiro was about to leave when I grabbed his arm.

"Shiro?" "What happened, how long was I out and where is Keith?" I said that last question a little too loud but shiro just chuckled before patting my arm

"I'll tell you everything in the morning when we are all awake"

"But shiro!"

He cut me off and told me if I wanted answers I'll go back to sleep and rest...obviously I wasn't doing that shit so I tried to quietly get out of bed put on my blue lion slippers and before I fully stood I was holding onto the bed in pain. "What the hell?"

I cautiously tried getting up on the bed and saw my leg covered in blood from barely standing up.

"Great now what?" I looked around the room I was in and spotted a stick...barely even able to grab it I stepped on the floor one more time but with more caution. I hopped over to it...nearly falling making it worse but hey I got the stick. "Now to find some water and wash cloth to clean up this blood" I poked my head out of my door and hobbled over to the medbay were I'm pretty sure there were some bandages. I was in the hall when a grouchy Pidge walked by so I had to hide in the shadows....
"Ok I think she's gone" I said so quietly it was barely even a whisper. I eventually found the medbay door and before I walked inside I heard something...like scattering and it was coming right for me. I closed my eyes shut tight and waited until it stopped

Everything was quiet until I heard the happy chattering sound I knew and opened my eyes to see the mice!

"Oh! well hello my little friends! It seems I'm not the only one who couldn't sleep." Their happy chattering as they climbed on my extended hand was all I needed to confirm it I smiled and we made our way into the room I froze when I looked around...that's when I saw Keith my heart nearly stopped...he was in the healing pod but he looked like he was in pain. I searched for a cloth and bandages and finally found some. I cleaned up most of the blood, pulled a chair over to the healing pod and sat down in front of keith. I looked down at the mice who were staring up at him "how's he been doing?"
They let out a small sad chatter and I knew it couldn't be good.

"I'm gonna keep him company you are welcome to stay with me if you'd like" they looked at me and chattered a bit to each other and then nodded their heads in agreement. There we waited for hours until I fell asleep.

After a while shiro found me in the medbay asleep in a chair I obviously found somewhere else in front of Keith's healing pod with the mice in my lap.

"How long has he been here?" He quietly asked. They held up a few paws telling shiro that I'd been here for three hours.

He grabbed a blanket carefully put it on my lap.

"I'll leave him here for now but come get me if anything happens"
he looked back at the mice and then walked out the door leaving the mice to curl back up and fall asleep to the light hum of the healing pod and my breathing.

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