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As we near Ansan, it occurs to me that Sehun has been driving this entire time without using a GPS. And I can see in the dashboard that this car is definitely equipped with the technology. I mean, the car knows when it's raining and automatically outs in its wipers. It heats and cools your back and your butt and tells you when other cars and objects are too close. The only it doesn't do is provide a solution to having to step for bathroom breaks. Although I wouldn't be surprised if they figure out how to work that into the seats of the next model.

"How do you know your way around Suwon?" I ask. Since our conversation this morning, we've been carefully avoiding the subject of the Ferryman, because if I let myself focus on it, my thoughts tailspin into doom and gloom.

Sehun shrugs. Just heard if driving through Gyeonggi, some memorizing of maps, and then when I need to, I look things up in my atlas.

I half laughs. "In a car with a perfectly good navigation system."

"Cell phones, computers, navigation systems all make it easy for someone to trace where you've been," he says. "We've actually removed some of the microchips in this vehicle, so if someone did know this car belonged to my Family, they wouldn't be able to track us."

"Right," I say. "That makes sense." My weeks at the Academy immersed me in Old World traditional Strategia and I haven't spent much time thinking about what the Families might be able to do witch tech.

"Kyungsoo isn't Junho, you know," Sehun says, and it takes me a second to process the non sequitur.

"The blacksmith," I say, my thoughts  edging dangerously close to the Ferryman.

"The blacksmith," Sehun repeats. And his sudden subject change makes me think he's been thinking about Kyungsoo for a while. "What I mean is, what you did with Junho won't won't with Kyungsoo. Junho is pretty decent for a Tiger, and despite his gruff manner he adheres to traditional diplomacy. Kyungsoo, not so much. He's said to be ruthless and a legendary fighter. Some of the people who have tried to negotiate with him have ended up dead. If he weren't the only lead we have, I wouldn't risk it."

Of course Junho is a Tiger. I inwardly groan. How could I expect anything other than manipulation and double-dealing? "I thought you never met Kyungsoo?" I say.

"I haven't. But his reputation preceded him. Anyone who kills other Strategia during routine trades and then managed to resist numerous retaliation attempts become well known," Sehun says, and by the tension in his jaw I can tell he's uncomfortable with the situation.

I shift in my seat, turning away from the rolling hills and forests to get a better look at Sehun. "If Kyungsoo is so different from Junho, how do we negotiate with him?"

"I'm going to try to entice him ahhh a solid intelligence trade, one that doesn't reveal anything about us personally or our plans," Sehun says. "But go be truthful, I'm not sure how well it's going to work. I've only ever made straightforward deals. Someone like Kyungsoo would be assigned to a more experienced Family member."

"Right. Of course," I say. Sehun is so capable and smart that I forget sometimes that he's still a student at the Academy and doesn't know everything.

"What you do, do not tell Kyungsoo who you are," Sehun continues. "There's a bounty on your father's head. It's not usual that we would be asking about him. But Kyungsoo, can't know the real reason. He's not an ally. As far as I know, he's no one's ally."

My stomach flips at the mention of the bounty. Now that my head isn't pounding and I can think more clearly, my anxiety over appa has increased. I exhale, trying to stay focused on the present and not to jump to what-ifs, but of course I can't. "What do I do if he starts questioning me and I don't have answers? Won't he know there's something odd about my lack of Strategia knowledge?"

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