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I walk a full three blocks from the apothecary's shop before I stop and take out my phone. I pull off my gloves with my teeth and start typing a message to Sehun, Rosé, and Lisa.

Me: The apothecary will give us what we want . . . something to disorient and lightnin poison, but she's demanding a trade.

It only takes seconds before responses pop up on my screen.

Rosé: LIGHTNING POISON!!! Do whatever it takes to get it. I don't care if you have to seel your right eyeball.

Sehun: What kind of a trade?

Me: Yuri's necklace. Who's Yuri?

For a brief second the responses stop, like maybe they're talking among themselves.

Sehun: Jungkook's mother.

I almost drop my phone on the sidewalk. Eomma and Uncle Jin's baby sister. For a few moments I stand there frozen, and when I look back down at my screen there are more messages.

Rosé: Damn it. There's no time to track her down. Will the apothecary accept anything else?

Rosé: ???

Me: No, Yuri's here in Incheon. The apothecary told me where she's eating.

Rosé: Then why are you texting us instead of finding her??

Sehun: Restaurants are common fronts for Strategia properties. If the apothecary knows she's at one, then there are likely other Eagles there. It's not safe. Come back to the apartment. We'll figure out another way.

Rosé: Oh no we won't. We need that poison.

Sehun: She's not going to an Eagle property to steal from a head Eagle, Rosé. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Look at how Jungkook reacted to her.

Rosé: If you wanted to be safe Sehun then you should have stayed home. I'll do it if you're too scared. Give me the address.

I pressed my lips together and look around me. Two doors down is a convenient store, and before I even settle on a decision, I head toward it. I don't want to give Rosé my aunt's location so she can steal from her. I know it doesn't make sense to withhold it, since Rosé would likely be better at getting the necklace. Also, I've never met Yuri, and Sehun is probably right that it's not dafe. But Jungkook told me his mom loved her siblings and that matters to me; so if anyone stands a shot at getting the necklace, it's me, and it won't be by stealing. I push the door to the store open and walk up to the counter.

"Can I help you?" the old man says.

"Do you have a phone book by any chance?" I ask.

He looks at my phone and then back at me. "No."

"No Wi-Fi," I say, holding up my phone as explanation.

"What are you looking fo?" he asks. "Maybe I know."

I hesitate. I've gotten so used to everything being a secret that it takes me a moment to realize that asking where a restaurant is located is completely normal, especially for a tourist. I scrutinize his face for the telltale sharp look of a Strategia but find none.

"Sheraton Restaurant," I say, and realize my pronunciation isn't half bad as I thought.

"Ah," he says, and points. "Down the street about five blocks on the right-hand side." And then he adds, "Amazing cuisine. Have the best pasta."

I give him a big thanks, energized by how seamlessly that went, and walk out of the store. I look from side to side. Within ten blocks there are an Eagle apothecary and a restaurant where one of the head Eagles is eating. Am I in an Eagle neighborhood of sorts?

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