06 | The Forgotten Heart

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    Dear Aiden,

    How long has it been? I don't remember honestly.

    When I came here, I was so angry. At you. Then I realized it wasn't you I was angry at. It was myself. You see, I loved you so much that it still hurt too much to even think about it.

    I want to tell you so much about my experience here, at the juvenile detention center. I met someone here. Cecily Martin. We call each other Noel and Cecil for fun. Cecil lost her family when she was young like myself. Most people here are decent. Some are too broken, some are too dark, but most of them see light... hope.

    Cecily didn't always like me, you know? She hated me in the beginning because I was supposedly the 'Mighty Montcliff', always at loggerheads. And then one day, a guard here misbehaved with her and I punched him. Since then we were Noel and Cecil. I never believed I could get such sisterly warmth ever. I wanted it from Juliet, from Freya, but it never happened. We have a hiding spot here, we read books there, share our dreams and philosophy, our fears, everything basically. Cecil wants to bring changes in the world. I told her once that she would break her heart, going up against the world like that. She said, she was going to break the world. I think grandmother would love her. 

    The time here made me realize that I deserved better. Better than a family who tried to restrain my emotions and turned a blind eye to my turmoil. Better than an irrational fool who wouldn't know what was there in his heart. Who would break my heart and soul into smithereens and stomp over it, all over again. I like to believe I fell out of love with you. I know you come here weekly in a hope to see a glimpse of me but I refused. I refused because I want to fall out of love with you. I cannot be that girl once again.

    I read somewhere, 'We accept the love we think we deserve' but I deserve so much better than you, Aiden. That's why I'm writing this letter—so that when I come back, you give me a chance to fall in love with someone else. Some wonderful man who would see beyond my Montcliff armor, my mischief, my supposed felony—see the heart which beats inside me. Maybe in college. Maybe in Cherry Hills. I just want the chance to meet him.

    And to that man, I would give my body, heart and soul.

    I know it's too much to ask but can you go somewhere else when I come back home? Either way I'm coming home, Aiden. But I think if you'll forget me, then maybe, I'll forget you too. If you don't miss me, then maybe, I'll not miss you too. If you loved me—but you never loved me, did you?

    Lastly, I did not kill Juliet, although I don't care what you and others believe now. Not anymore.

    Noelle Gabriel Montcliff.

― Noelle Montcliff to Aiden Summers two days before getting free 

[the one he never received]


    His heart sped, and his breath was taken away.

    Noelle stood at the edge of the door in a delectable night trail, which exposed her slender shoulders and arms. The neckline was moderately low cut, showing her cleavage. He could see the shadow of her thighs and legs from the white material of the silk. 

    Aiden felt like a cad for noticing, but noticing he did. His mind was already forming images of naked Noelle under him that his persistent celibacy would have abhorred. But this was Noelle. The one woman he loved, and now felt passion for too. His Noelle.

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