Chapter 16

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Kritika smiled as she looked at the eight men who stood in front of her, "Make sure that you all finish her!" She snapped, "It should look like you all had entered to ambush the Palace, kill the guards in the hallways, kill the daasis and anyone who stops you. It should look like you have attacked the palace. " She stated and the men nodded before they covered their faces with the loose ends of their turbans, "I want to see her dead!" She growled with hate dripping her words as she looked at the men, who in turn nodded.

She smiled as she watched the men leave,she pulled out a vial and put the drops of it in the glass of milk that lay on the table. She sat on the rocking chair after hiding the vial and waited, a smile playing on her lips as she looked at the glass. Her time was about to begin, she hummed happily as she rocked back and forth.

"Maharani." Drupad said as he entered the room, a smile on his face as he looked at his wife. "Maharaj, where had you been I have been waiting for you." She said as she stood up, a seductive smile on her face as she looked at him, he smiled amused as he walked in, "I have been busy doing some work. I have a state to run." He stated with a smile as he removed his crown and kept it on the vanity table, his eyes met hers through the mirror.

"Oh but I am your wife, I need you too." She whispered seductively as she walked to him, she wrapped her arms around his waist as she laid her head on his back, hugging him close from behind, a smile on her face as she looked at the glass of the milk, her eyes lighting up with evilness.

"I am sorry my queen but now all my time is yours." He whispered as he turned around wrapping his arms around her waist, she looked at him with a sweet smile, "Hm now your time is mine? Than what shall we do? How about a game of dyut?" She asked as she pointed at the dice game that was set up in a corner, he gave her a calm smile and nodded as he walked towards the game. He sat down as he began setting the mehrus and paasehs. "How about a drink?" He asked as he pointed to the bottle in the corner she shook her head, biting back her smirk, "you don't think about your health at all. No drinking for you. I want you to leave a long healthy life and for that you should drink milk not alcohol." She said as she raised the glass of milk and moved towards him, he smiled at her affectionately, "You take so much care of me." He said fondly, "Of course I do, I am your wife." She whispered, pretending to blush as she passed him the glass of milk, she watched with a smirk as he took the glass from her and began to drink, her heart was singing in joy, as glee spread through her body. She watched with excitement as he pulled back the glass after he finished drinking.

He smiled at her, soon his face contorted in a frown as he began to cough up blood, his hand travelled to his mouth, he looked at the blood in his hand with shock. Before he could understand what was happening a sharp pain shot through his gut and he vomited a lot of blood on the dice game, his eyes rolled back as he took the last breath.

She smirked and tsked as she looked at his head self, her eyes shining with evilness as she was in a state of euphoria, "tsk tsk tsk, such a big king died such a death that too at the hands of a woman? How humiliating! Sorry patidev, I had no other choice. You have become completely useless to me. And Maharani Kritika has no habit of collecting useless things."  She said in a mocking tone, "Now Panchaali will be dead soon, Kirti is already down, you know to make it look like an attack I had to hit Kirti so hard on her head that her skull cracked and she bled as she fell unconscious. Dhrishtadyumn is dead too with the same poison I gave you. My plan is set." She said as she moved towards the balcony and released the messenger bird from the cage, she put a letter of help in the little box tied on its feet. "Go to Rajkumar Arjun take the long route!" She ordered as she flew the bird away. Now when Arjun will return he will find everyone dead, everyone except her and Kirti, she will have to play the card of the destroyed woman who lost all her family and let Kirti seduce the broken shell of a man that Arjun will be. She will convince Kunti to get Kirti and Arjun marry again, for Arjun's betterment of course. She laughed with glee, her evil laughter bouncing off the walls as she picked out the dagger.

She plunged it in her own stomach, pain shot through her as she pulled out a vial and drunk from it. This drink would clot her blood so she won't bleed much, now it looked like she was attacked. She sat on the ground and waited for the play to unfold. . .


Riva's eyes were wide as saucers as she trembled in fear, her eyes looking around the room of the king and the Queen. She had been playing hide and seek as when she had hid in the queen's room. She sneaked out of the room trembling and ran to Sumitra's.

"Maa!"  She said as she ran in. "What happened Riva?" She questioned as she looked at the little terrified girl, Sumitra hugged her and gave her a glass of water to drink before asking her what happened, the girl was not her blood but was like a daughter to her. "Shh it's ok calm down. Now tell me what happened." She said softly as she wiped the tears of the crying girl. Riva began to tell her everything that she had heard, Sumitra couldn't believe her ears as she looked at the little girl. She moved towards the table and sat down,she began writing a long letter,  she folded it in a special way till it was nothing but half an inched and ran out towards the balcony, urgency fueling her as she released the bird that Arjun had given her, she tied the letter on the bird's claw, she recalled how Rajkumar Arjun had doubted that something would go wrong, earlier she had thought that it was cute that he cared so much for his wife and was being a bit paranoid, but now she was grateful that he had given her the bird. "Go to rajkumar Arjun. It's emergency!" She said the words that Arjun had told her to order the bird in and the flew it in the sky, the bird was fastest, the warrior prince had trained it himself,she recalled he had told her.

"Maa we have to go and tell jiji Drau about this!" Riva said urgently, Sumitra smiled as she looked at the little girl, "No putri. Jiji Draupadi's husband had told me, if there is an emergency like this we sent the bird to him and than hide. No need to tell Draupadi anything. He had said, if there is an emergency, she has guards, that he trusts the most but the thing is that they are not human, so they will kill anyone who goes near her in the time of danger, except Rajkumar Arjun." She explained. "Than shouldn't we be alerting those guards." Riva asked, the bird that Sumitra had released squealed in the sky loudly. It's sound reverberating for miles. "You hear that squeal. That was all the alert those guards needed. Now every person who goes to the princess would be dead, may they be good or bad. Come on we need to hide." She said urgently as she picked the little girl in her arms. "But maa who are this guards?" Riva asked innocently looking at woman who had been like a mother. Sumitra smiled, "I don't know, he never revealed that too me, he just said that they are not human,which makes them deadly. They recognise no one except Draupadi who they have to protect and Arjun who is their master." She whispered as she rushed to the secret tunnel that was in the room, the queen had thought that she was the smartest but apparently the madly in love over protective warrior prince had left a surprise for her, Sumitra smirked, the witch was in for a hell of a violent awakening or more like a violent end. For the moment Arjun's bird reached him, he would be here and slaughter them all. The letter she had tied on the bird's feet explained the entire plan of the queen and all the abuses she did to his wife, get ready Maharani Kritika, the overprotective and possessive husband of the woman you tortured is coming for you and this time even god won't be able to save you, Sumitra thought with a smirk as she rushed down the tunnel. . .

So who do you all think this secret guards are?

Make a guess!

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