17 3 1

"On behalf of Cebu Pacific Airlines and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you onboard again in the near future. Have a nice day!"As the flight attendant said her closing remarks, people unbuckled their seatbelts and got their luggage, while I on the other hand was still fast asleep.

"Ven...Ven..Shit, Ven gising na, nandito na tayo!"I slowly opened my eyes and saw my sister's furious face.

"Ven naman, hurry up!"

"Fine, fine you need to chill ate." I muttered to myself.

I quietly got up and grabbed my suit case, and i thought to myself..

"This is it, a chance to start a new life, a chance to make new friends, a chance to be me. I'm finally here...Cebu, The queen city of the south!"


"Mga anak, are you ready for your first day of school?"

"Yes ma"

"Try not to get in trouble okay? This is a new school, better behave"

"Opo, opo"


After a looong drive from our condo to my new school, we finally arrived.

I was so nervous I thought I was going to shit my pants. I just hope I wouldnt experience the bullying I experienced back in manila.

As my sister and I were walking through the school grounds, everyone was staring..hmm I wonder why? Oh! Probably because my sister is fucking hot? Yeah probably.

"She's soooo pretty"

"Ay nawa pre gwapa kaayu"(Ay she's so pretty)

"Kaila ka ana bai? Gwapa lagi sa?"(Do you know who she is? She's pretty right?)

"Iyaha nang igsuon?"(Is that her sister?)

"Pare parehas raman sila ug nawng"(They look similar though)

I remember thinking to myself..."Wtf are they saying" but then it hit me..." I don't speak Cebuano!"

Well...I'm fucked

..."Hello everyone, my name is Hadley Mayven Tomas and I came from Manila so I don't really know how to speak Cebuano.." I said while my voice trembled

"Okay Ven thankyou for that, you can settle down to that seat at the back row beside Miss Ayla"

I walked to the seat with my legs shaking..

"What if she bullies me?

She's pretty though so It may be a possibility.

 "Ugh! I'm overthinking again, calm down, you can do it"

I sat down on my chair, carefully placing my bag behind me, I grabbed my favorite notebook and was scribbling and doodling.

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder, and as I tuned around I saw Ayla's face..

Oh, shit what if she critisize my looks?

What if she tells me, I'm trying too hard?

What if she tells me I look funny with my hair up?

"I-Im sorry I'll stop wearing my hair up!" I stuttered

"Huh? Hahah oh no, I was was wondering if you would wanna eat with me in the canteen"


"Uh, is that a no then?" She said teasingly

"O-oh uh..sure"

"Really? Haha yey! Hope we become close friends soon!"

"Yeah...I hope so too..." I smiled. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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