Chapter Five: Wake Up?

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Much to my disappointment I was slowly regaining consciousness. Or so I thought. I could hear a loud beeping noise, and I could feel my whole body resting on hard, scratchy sheets. But I could barely move, or open my eyes. It was the weirdest sensation to be able to feel and hear, but not be able to see or move. That's when I realized that I was in a hospital, most likely in a coma, probably from the multiple blows I had received to my head. Suddenly, I heard a voice.

"The newest self tanner is easy to use, and gives you great results," read a smooth voice, I knew was Ponyboy's. I heard a page crumple, he must have been reading from a magazine or book.

"What, Ponyboy? I thought that tan of yours was real!" I heard a door open, and then Two-Bit's laughing voice.

"Haha," responded Ponyboy sarcastically, "The doctors said reading to her might make her wake up quicker."

"Hang in there, she'll make it through, she's a tough girl." If only they knew what a wimp I actually was.

"Hey guys!" a cheerful voice that could only belong to Sodapop, exclaimed, "how is she?"

"The doctors say she could wake up today, or she could wake up next month. And even if she does wake up, she could have serious brain damage. She might never be the same," informed a dejected sounding Ponyboy.

"Aww, come here," cooed Soda, and I'm assuming gave Ponyboy a brotherly hug. For the next few days, well I'm assuming it was a few days, I didn't really have a sense of time, I received various visits from the gang. Ponyboy read to me and held my hand. Two-Bit told me jokes and laughed at himself. Dally complained about what a bitch his girlfriend was for two timing him again. Soda and Steve kept me up to date about things going on at the DX, like how many girls, err sluts, hit on them that day. Darry would come in occasionally and apologize, thinking all this was his fault. Which, it kind of was but it was mostly my fault, for thinking I could run away from all my problems. When Johnny came in I knew it was him right away. He would quietly close the door, and I would hear a squeak from him sitting down on... something. Then he would stay for awhile, he wouldn't say anything, but I could hear his quiet breathing. And as abrupt as he came, he would leave.

One day, I could hear everyone in the gangs voices'. They were all here, and I wanted to see them more than anything. I was tired of just hearing them. I tried opening my eyes, but they wouldn't budge. I tried and tried and tried, more determined than ever to wake up. The beeping from my heart monitor sped up. Finally, after what seemed like years, my eyes slowly fluttered open. There was a blinding, white light shining right in my eyes. Immediately, I brought my arm up to my face to shield my eyes, but it felt a lot heavier than I remembered. I looked down, shocked to see a plain white cast covering my whole forearm with multiple signatures on it. Looking around I saw I was in a bland hospital room. The walls were painted a pale blue, and the floor was a spotless white linoleum. Graphic posters lined the walls. One demonstrated the heimlich maneuver, while another showed the side effects of smoking and chewing tobacco. There was a white wooden dresser across from my bed, turquoise plastic chairs and a glass table to my right, and a small, blue plaid couch, looking ready to collapse from the weight of every gang member sitting on it to my left. The dresser was filled with flowers, get well cards, stuffed animals, and balloons from the gang, my family, and some friends from school. The night stands on either side of the bed were covered in book, magazines, and newspapers.

"Hey guys, she's awake!!!" I didn't even have time to register who said that because I was immediately trampled with hugs from everyone. My head was foggy, and my eyesight was slightly blurry, but I hugged back as best as I could. I loved hugs.

"How long was I out for?" I asked while rubbing my eyes, trying to clear my sight.

"About 3 weeks," stated Ponyboy

"Jesus, it seemed way longer than that!" I exclaimed loudly, sitting up faster than intended. I instantly regretted doing that because it caused my head to shake which led to a painful buzzing in my ears.

"You sure are perky for just waking up out of a coma," commented Steve.

"I'm always perky," I shot back. This caused the gang to laugh. "Hey, did my parents ever call or anything?" I wondered. The guys exchanged glances and shoved their hands in their pockets uncomfortably.

"Uhhh... No," responded Johnny quietly.

"But, that doesn't matter. What matters is that you're getting better," Dally quickly added, ruffling my hair.

"And obviously you can stay with us," Darry said.

"But I thought you said-," I started, but Darry cut me off,

"I know what I said, but that was before I realized what was going on at your house."

"Yeah, you should of told us earlier, we don't judge," laughed Two-Bit.

"I know, next time I will, I guess I was just embarressed," I replied sheepishly.

"We're here for you," responded a smiling Soda. Then he leaned down and whispered in my ear,

"You're like a little sister to me, I'll protect you."

Just then, a nurse came in and told everybody to leave, so that I could rest. I didn't understand why I needed to rest, I had been 'resting' for 3 weeks straight. But surprisingly enough, as soon as I closed my eyes I fell asleep, smiling to myself about how much my life was turning around.

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