Chapter Seven: A Dream

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I woke up the next morning, and threw aside pink zebra striped sheets. 

What the heck, I thought to myself, Where did these come from? Normally the Curtis's guest bedroom had plain old tan sheets. Come to think of it, all the furniture was different and rearranged, and these were most definitely not the pajamas I had worn to bed. These were pink with purple polka dots on them, and very childish looking. I figured I was just hallucinating. Taking three different medications all at once can do that to a girl. I hopped out of bed, feeling a lot closer to the ground than usual. After searching for the kitchen for about 5 minutes, I finally found it located in a small alcove off a hallway. There was not a single drop of doubt in my mind that I was no longer in the Curtis house. Unless of course they had managed to reconstruct the whole house in one night.

"Good morning?" I called out confused, and rubbed my eyes

"Hey you're up!" called out an unfamiliar male's voice. I looked up surprised to see a guy about 15 or 16 running towards me at full speed, and tackling me with a huge hug. What shocked me even more was that his head was censored; his face was a complete blur! I looked around shocked, and saw a younger version of my mom and dad sitting at the kitchen table. I had seen this place before, but I couldn't put my finger on when I had seen it last. Looking to my left, I saw a huge bay window. There was a green street sign coming off of a lamp post. I squinted to see the street sign, but I started to shake uncontrollably.

"Hannah, wake up!"

"What? Where am I? What time is it?" I called out terrified.

"Shh, shh," a hand comfortingly rubbed my shoulder, "You were talking in your sleep. It woke us all up, so we came to check on you. It's three o'clock in the morning." Looking up, I saw Soda, Ponyboy, and Darry standing over my bed looking concerned.

"What was I saying?"

"We don't know. You were mumbling, but it was really loud," answered Darry.

"What were you dreaming about?" asked Ponyboy.

"I was in a house and it looked so familiar, but I couldn't place it, and my parents were there and so was this guy I didn't know, but his face was a blur and he was hugging me and..." I took a much needed breath. "It felt crazily real."

"It was just a dream, so go back to sleep alright?" Darry reasoned.

"Ok." After they left and went back to bed, I stayed awake. I thought about the dream, and wrote it down so I wouldn't forget it. I wanted to believe it was just a silly dream, but I had a nagging suspision it was more than that. Right then and there, I promised myself I would figure all this out-- no matter what.


When I woke up for real the next morning, it was almost seven o'clock. I didn't really know what time I actually fell back asleep at last night, but I felt really groggy. My lamp was still on and my notebook was splayed open on the comforter. Stretching, I rolled out of bed and padded to the kitchen.

"Hey, you're wearing the shirt I gave you!" Two-Bit called out excitedly. I looked down at my Mickey Mouse t-shirt realizing I had forgotten to get dressed this morning. Soda was standing by the refrigerator, so I jumped on his back.

"Attack!" I called out, laughing at how startled he had gotten.

"Can someone get the milk?" questioned a frazzled Darry.

"No problem!" I flipped off Soda's back, grabbed the carton of milk, and slid it across the counter towards Darry.

"Whoa! Where'd you learn to do that?" asked a surprised Steve.

"Oh, I was a cheerleader back in the day," I answered nonchalantly. Suddenly, I had a flashback. I was wearing a blue and white cheer uniform. Girls were dancing, cheering, and flipping everywhere I looked. Just then four girls came up to me, and hoisted me high up into the air.

"Go Hannah!" I heard someone cheer. Following the voice, my eyes landed on none other than blur boy. I screamed and fell backwards, feeling my stomach drop. Sturdy hands steadied my swaying shoulders bringing me back, and I saw everyone looking at me.

"Uh... are you ok?" Johnny asked quietly. He must have slept on the couch last night.

"Yeah, you're turning really pale," added Darry.

"I-I'm f-fine?" I questioned more than I answered. Ponyboy carried me bridal style to the couch.

"I'll call the school, there's no way you're going today," announced Darry. I nodded weakly.

"See you after school," Ponyboy said kissing me lightly. Darry, Soda, and Steve went to work, Two-Bit and Pony went to school, and Johnny wanted to be alone, so Dally kept me company.

"What exactly happened?" he asked me, furrowing his eyebrows. I told him and he nodded.

"That happened to a good buddy of mine once. He kept having weird dreams and flashbacks, same as you."

"What happened to him? Did he ever stop having them?" I asked concerned, picturing myself in an insane asylum with frizzy hair and wild eyes having weird flashbacks for the rest of my life.

"Yeah, he went to a therapist, and they cured him. He had some weird memory surpressing shit."

"A therapist huh?"

"Please tell me you aren't considering going to a therapist," he pleaded.

"No, I'm just messing with you," I said playfully punching his muscular arm. But I actually was considering it. I had to know what was happening to me.

"I'm pretty tired, I think I'm going to go to sleep, but you don't have to stick around..." I faked a yawn. Dally smirked.

"Oh I get it, you want to be home alone, so you can run around naked and sing bad songs as loud as you want, that kinda stuff right?" I nodded and stifled a laugh but thought to myself, Wrong, it's actually so I can go see a shrink, and find out what the hell is wrong with me.

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