Chapter Six: Secrets and A Surprise

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When I woke up the next morning, the sun was shining through the window, and all I could think about was how happy I was to be alive. I got up and took my first 'proper' shower in three weeks. I changed into my favorite sweatpants and a tight fitting t-shirt. I'd gotten so uncomfortable in the hospital gown last night that I'd asked the nurses to let me wear my own clothes. After nearly an hour of persuading and begging, they reluctantly agreed. Once they'd said yes I'd called Darry, and he brought me a bunch of clothes. He said it was no problem, but I don't think he appreciated being woken up at two in the morning. I barely had time to think of what I was going to do to all day in this boring hell hole, when a smiling Soda walked in.

"Good morning! How ya feeling?" he asked, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"Good morning to you too," I responded equally peppy, "And I'd feel a lot better if I wasn't stuck in here!" He laughed, but gave me a serious look.

"Look, there's something I need to tell you."

"Ok?" I half asked, confused.

"Yesterday, when I told you I would protect you because you're like my little sister, I was telling the truth. But there's something I haven't told you the truth about. When I was really little, like barely able to talk little, my mom got pregnant... with a girl. She was so excited, having only two boys and all. Then her due date finally came, but when she got home from the hospital, she was empty handed and crying. I didn't understand what had happened then, I was too young. Darry told me when I was older, but he never told Ponyboy. Pony has no idea. I wanted a sister so badly. I used to always wonder what this sister would have been like. Then I met you, and I just knew she would've been exactly like you. And I don't know what I would have done if I lost you too." Soda's chocolatey eyes watered, and I gave him a huge hug. Did I mention I love hugs? He got up, embarrassed from almost crying, and casually told me he had to go to work. I sighed, and started reading one of the magazines my step-sister had sent me. Just as I got to an article about a girl showing up to a party in a see through white dress and forgetting she was wearing Hello Kitty undergarments, I heard a familiar click. I looked up to see Ponyboy striding through the door.

"Hey," he simply said.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Not much," he replied nonchalantly. He sat down at the edge of the bed and looked around for a couple seconds as if he momentarily forgot where he was. The he began cracking his knuckles.

"I like you," he blurted out suddenly.

"W-what?" I croaked, confused.

"I like you," he responded slower this time, blushing. And before I could even begin to form a thought, he leaned forward and lightly brushed his lips across mine. It felt so magical; my stomach dropped, and my lips tingled where his had just been. I longed for more, so I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulled him close and kissed him passionately. He rested his hands on my cheeks, and I ran my hands through his hair. It felt so right. I don't know how long we kissed, but the moment was broken by a door opening. I looked up to see my stepsister Taylor holding my other stepsister Emma. I ran up and hugged Taylor, then pried Emma out of her arms and held her close. She smiled, and grabbed at my hair. I kissed the top of her head, and turned to Ponyboy.

"These are my stepsisters Taylor and Emma," I introduced them to Ponyboy.

"Hey," Taylor said nodding her head, while Emma squealed with delight as Ponyboy tickled her foot.

"So, I found out what happened, and I asked dad and he said you could live with us!" Taylor informed me excitedly, shaking her perfectly highlighted hair out of her face.

"Oh," was all I said, squirming uncomfortably.

"What's wrong?" she asked concerned.

"Well thanks for the offer, but I've already found a place to stay," I replied after gathering up enough courage. Ponyboy nodded at me in appreciation. I expected Taylor to get angry and storm away, but instead she was understanding.

"Ok, but promise me you'll visit?"

"Duh," I responded. I got up and threw my arms around her.

"Feel better," she said, kissing the top of my head. I snuggled with Emma for a second.

"Shoot, we're late for Emma's doctor appointment!" Taylor cried, heading for the door.

"Keep in touch," I called out, as she exited my room, giving me a small wave.

"That was so sweet," Ponyboy cooed.

He barely had time to finish that sentence, before I brought my lips back to his.


Exactly five days later, the doctors gave me permission to leave. While I was packing my things, I looked out the window and saw the whole gang walking towards the hospital's main entrance. Just as I had put my last shirt in my bag, Dally popped his head into the doorway.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked with a smirk, clearly knowing what my answer would be.

"No I would just love to stay here longer," I announced my voice dripping with sarcasm. Dally just shook his head and grabbed my arm, dragging me to the lobby. Darry was arguing with some nurse at the front desk, Two-Bit, Steve, and Soda were laughing at some unknown joke, and Ponyboy was holding flowers, while whispering quietly to Johnny. When they saw me, everyone stopped abruptly and ran over to hug me, already knowing my crazy obsession with hugs.

"Hey sweetie," lulled Ponyboy, pulling me close and giving me a peck on the lips. He presented me with the flowers.

"Whoa! When did you two get together?!" cried out a surprised Steve. Everyone nodded in agreement, waiting for an answer. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, like a few weeks ago?" I questioned, and Ponyboy nodded.

"It took you long enough!" sighed Soda.

"Yeah, you guys have been like admiring each other from afar since you met," Dally practically screamed.

"No funny business," Darry ordered approaching us. We just laughed at that. Then a nurse came over, and guided me into a wheelchair.

"Hospital policy," she explained, answering my confused and somewhat alarmed expression.

"Oh," I answered understanding, while clutching the armrests. Two-Bit had taken to pushing me, and I'm pretty sure he was going over the speed limit for cars. Once everyone caught up to us in the parking lot, Darry drove us home. Once there, Soda covered my eyes with his hands, and Johnny grabbed my hand, leading me to the house.

"What the-" I squealed. But I was cut off by the sound of seven voices shouting "SURPRISE!" Soda removed his hands to reveal a 'Welcome Home' sign, a frosted cake, and a single wrapped box.

"Guys you so didn't have to do this," I paused, "And don't you dare use that corny 'But we wanted too!' response."

"I'm just here for the cake," pronounced Two-Bit.

"Dude!" called out Steve, elbowing him in the ribs.

"Ouch! What? It's the truth!" Two-Bit protested and I had to laugh.

"But really guys, thanks, it means a lot," I responded turning serious for a moment.

"No problem," said Soda scooping me up and placing me by the table, "Now open your present," he ordered. I ripped off the plain wrapping paper to unearth a switchblade with my initials on the polished handle. Looking at the H made me think of my mom and her stupid nickname for me. But at that moment it didn't seem so stupid. I actually missed her. A tear welled up in my eye, but I quickly pushed it away determined to have a good time.

"Wow thanks!" I squeaked almost speechless.

"For protection," explained Johnny. I nodded.

"Or for using against certain someones who don't cater to my every wish," I gave my best cackle.

We spent the rest of the night laughing, talking, and eating cake. For once in my life I felt like I really belonged.

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