Volume 1: Reality Bending - Introduction

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If you are seeing this sentence, that meant the reality of Wattpad has been bugged out by evil artifact users. Proceed into this story with caution.

This is the first book of the 6 book series that I originally posted on Webnovel (https://www.webnovel.com/book/12659103305421905).

This is anime-inspired sci-fi adventure set in a space operat setting with wacky super powers, no story quite like this one.

This story is set in the far future, the age of the post-modern era, when humans have evolved and progressed onto an intragalactic species, sharing the galaxy with two other intelligent intergalactic species: the tall slim water creature Aquarians and the short hairy militaristic Rockies.

Throughout the ages, myths and legends of incredibly powerful weapons were incorperated into the stories of the old for each of the species, and those weapons, each posessing incredible reality altering powers, are known as the Artifacts.

Rydel Daera encountered one of those artifact with the power to warp space itself in one of his expeditions, and from then on his life would be forever altered. There are more of the others like him, but not all of them think of the artifacts in the same way. With power over the fabrics of reality itself concentrated into a single being, what can one do with such power?

With that, the story begins. When Rydel discovered one of the twenty insanely powerful artefacts littered around the Galaxy, everything he knows about the greater galaxy changes as his new adventure started with the knock on the door of a beautiful female astronaut with jaded colored eyes.

Story Arc in Book 1:
Introduction and Training Arc
Galactic IST Robbery Arc
Rescue Arc

Careful Not To Break Reality - Reality Bending (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now