The Rules That Guide

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I know this is the chapter that scares a lot of people 😁😁. Just kidding, it's not a very big deal.

Rules are first to let us know how this place runs and to make sure we do things as and when due. Also, that we do it all in order.

🎆 You have to be a Nigerian.

🎆 Follow this account and the admins, TemmyTgirl and Bluestorme. You'll surely get a follow back. It's to make information dissemination easy.

🎆 Add the book to a public reading list or better still create a reading list for the club.

🎆 Follow every member of the book club. It's compulsory, don't forget we're trying to form a bond.

🎆 We are free to register a maximum of two books... Happy right.

🎆 The book club has been created for Nigerians, both writers and readers.

🎆 The bookclub works in a group of four, paired in twos.

🎆There are two books to read each week. Rotation lasts for a week.

🎆Book of the week is chosen from each group, rotated each week until the each person's book is read in the group.

🎆Book of the month will be chosen at the last week of the month and will be given to the person who gives the best review on their partners book in that month.

Rules Concerning Tasks
- As earlier stated, there are two books to read each week. One is the book of the week and your partners book.

- The books assigned should be added to the club's reading list.

- You're supposed to read three chapters of both books and vote  for those chapters.

- Make at least (I said at least, which means you can make as much as you feel like) three comments per chapter.
Then make a general comment which is supposed to serve as a review. It has to be helpful.

- The general comment should be tagged #PBC

- Don't forget the best review wins book of the month.

Do the rules satisfy you?

Oya, make we dey move on.

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