Form To Fill

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Thanks so much for coming this far. Muah muah.
The form is divided into three. First for writers who wish to be a part of the book club.
Next is for Nigerians, who just love to read or who don't have a book yet.

The third is a call out to admins. Pedestal book club needs admins.
Filling the form won't take your time. Fill it as an inline comment.

Writers Form

Book Title(s):
Sub genre:
No of chapters:
Your preferences:
Password: Your Nigerian state
Whatsapp number: It's okay if you don't have, but if you do, dm it to TemmyTgirl so you will be added to the book club group
Have you followed the rules:
Fill here ---

Readers Form

Password: Your Nigerian state
Whatsapp number:

Admins Form

Pedestal book club is in need of admins that can support and help in the successful running of the club.

If you're willing to help, just please fill out this form. Thank you.

Are you a reader or a writer?:
Are you active on wattpad?:
Are you active on Whatsapp?:

Thanks guys.

PS: Concerning the tags, you are supposed to tag Nigerian

Pedestal Book ClubWhere stories live. Discover now