rehearsal 4

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"BLAAAUGFF" I yelled while throwing up in the toilet

Andy was patting my back

"2 years I stayed away from drinks....what are they putting in these shits!?" I yelled and puked again

Andy then gave me coffee while I sat next to the bathroom door

Crystal came in here earlier running and Ashley was still asleep now Crystal stayed away from CC , and he was staying away from her .

"Thanks " I mumbled again as I sip the bitter drink

"Welcome, and do you want us to drop you off we have rehearsal in a few hours?" Asked Andy but Andy asked at the wrong time, because Ashley was walking to the kitchen/living room to see Crystal .

"Nooooooo! I want Crystal to see us perform pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaassssss-"

"Ok!" Interrupted Andy clearly frustrated and faceplamed

"Yay, wuv you bae" and Ashley kissed his cheek and walked away leaving Andy blushing

"Aww" I awed Andy blushed more



Crystal pov

"Yeah sure " I said smiling

They saved my friends belongings and provide us to stay somewhere I didn't want to be a bitch unlike Allison

"Yay" says Ashley laying on my lap


I froze up and did one thing

Tickle him

He giggled but I went to his stomach and he then laughed

Jinxx and Jake were watching us

"She's gonna win " bets jinxx

"No...well shit " Jake reached for his pocket

Ashley poked my belly which was a dead for me

I fell dramatically on the ground


And acted dead for a minute

But I pounced at Ashleys feet causing him to trip and fall


"Ohh what did you do" I instigated looking up at Ashley but I rolled and hoped back onto the couch

Ashley hide inside a kitchen drawer under the kitchen sink

Andy marched in there and looked at Jake and jinxx

They were making small talk

He looked at me

I pointed at the sink drawer

Andy opened it-

"I'm batman" said Ashley in a dark voice and wearing a batman mask

"I've been looking for that " said Andy and pulled it off of Ashleys face and closed the cabinet and sat down putting all his weight against it

"ASS HOLE LET ME OUT!" Yelled Ashley

"I'M A ASSHOLE BABY" sang out Andy he looked at me and added " are you coming to the rehearsal"

"Yeah.." I say

That voice

That voice is mesmerizing dammit



"Please?" Asked Crystal

She wanted me to come because Ashley of course was there

"Fine I don't know why you didn't turn them down though " I said rolling my eye's

"Because I'm not a-oh hi guys" Crystal cutted her sentence to see CC and Jake


At rehearsal

Andy was doing vocal warm ups CC was hitting the drums with his drumsticks , Jake and Ashley were competing with eachother and Jinxx was watching seeing who was the best .

"I want that " said Crystal looking at Jinxx"s guitar

I know my friend because she is a accident prone and while she said that Ashley heard and stopped looking at Crystal thinking it was his move .

"If you want I can teach you how to play?" Ashley asked but Crystal grabbed the guitar everyone was about to get it from her

But she put the neck strap around her neck and played a few strings

Everyone stopped

Crystal looked up to see everyone starring at her

"What?" She asked with a what did I do expression

Ashley bowed on one knee

"I want to marry you" Ashley said holding a hand against his heart and smiling

"Woah woah! Wait she's not the best yet , Ashley give me another guitar" said jinxx

I heard footsteps behind me to see Andy

"Jinxx is noted being Beethoven with a guitar " said Andy and added " I think he's meet someone that can play better than him"

Crystal and jinxx were having a competition playing random strings but with perfection

They had people cheering for them

Crystal : me, Ashley(who was her 1 fan)

Jinxx: Jake ,CC

And Andy was their couch

"Ok the rules one fuck up I'm recording this " said Andy pointing at Jake who was holding the camera, "and if you lose you suck and if you win.....would get to kiss Ashley " added Andy who rolled his eye's , because Ashley was whispering what he said .

"I'm out" said Crystal putting the guitar back in it's stand

"YES!" Jinxx shouted putting the bass back as well and cheering

"I quit because of the rules "said Crystal pointing at Ashley who was trying to get away but Andy grabbed his shoulder

"Rules are rules " Andy said smirking

Jinxx tried to run but CC dragged him to Ashley

Ashley cleared his throat and gulped

"I wonder if my wife would forgive me?" Questioned jinxx

There face was inches from EACHOTHER and


"Oh my God otp" whispered Jake recording the whole thing

Ashley an jinxx including us forgot he was there

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD GIVE ME THAT FUCKING CAMERA!" Ashley and Jinxx both yelled in unison

Jake ran away in side the tour bus

While all of us were laughing are ass off

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