can i stich your wounds 7

82 4 0

Everybody except Allison and Andy weren't here I would have to Tell Andy later

"Ok Allison is ashamed of herself because....when she was younger she used to be a street rat " I said

It came in shock to the guys

"When she was little I found her by the park a couple of days later we took her in , after a few years she worked at 15 and gained money for college . When her 'parents' came back for her she wants to talk to them , after 15 minutes we walked in to see her on the ground with her money stolen . Her uncle Ned was a con man and promised to pay the money to stop the charges yet no money,a few years later me and Allison went to college and she quit during the 4 year having this job opportunity I had to move. That's her story " I finished

The guy's were sad including me

There was a awkward silence that filled the room until Allison entered

"Hey guys" she greeted



Allison's pov

Everyone was eating pizza for dinner and when I see Andy he's staring at me

He and CC talked while staring at me

When we all finished he tapped on my shoulder

"Yes Andy" I said hesitantly

"Ipromisetoneverdothisagain.....Hey baby girl I got a penis " he said looking up at the ceiling blushing

"What" I said blushing

"He wants to go out with you" explained CC

Andy growled at him

I blushed more red

"So Allison will you go out with me?" Andy asked his eye's piercing mine again

It's like we were the only ones in the universe


Were did that came from

Andy hugged me and spin me around and kissed me again

Everyone ohhed

I guess I said yes


It was 1 AM and we were all heading to our bunks

I was heading to mine when someone grabbed my arm

"Please sleep in mine?" He asked his face making a sad puppy dogs face and his blue eye's weren't helping either

"Fine "I gave in and went in the bunk

It was dark


"What do you want to do now?" I asked

"Movie" Andy said

"Watch"I copied

"Batman" Andy said

"Or"I said back

"Sex"Andy said

"Batman"I said laughing

"Rise or knight?" He asked

"Who dosn"t like rise " I said with a smile

Andy put the movie on and we watched it

And I fell-zzzzzz


Andy pov

When batman broke his back Allison fell asleep

I looked at the time to see it's 3 AM

I turned off the movie and shut down my lap too , I looked at Allison with the dimmed light sleeping peacefully. I know who she was I wanted something to eat after I kissed her and heard the entire conversation, I don't care what she did but she has scars so deep that hurt her from her life that's why she was a sexy hard ass. I don't care what she ever did thought because I'll be there to stitch her wounds , I kissed her forehead and fell asleep right next to her .

Love songs aren't for me (black viel brides fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora