𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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"How do we fall in love? Like how does our brain look at someone and just decide to become emotionally attached to them and let them have so much power over us?" Esmeralda slurred. Katy just groaned and continued up the stairs, basically carrying her cousin. 

"Wanna know a secret?" Esme' whispered as they got to the top of the stairs. 

"Sure." Katy mumbled, dragging her to one of the guest rooms. 

"I looooooove Dean. Like I'd kill for him." She whispered. Katy was shocked.Dean was 19 and she was only 15. She didn't think she was in love with him but you know what they say, drunk actions are sober thoughts.

"Alright, you need to get to sleep." Katy mumbled, leading her to the bed. Esmeralda tripped and landed on the bed, and Katy began to take her shoes off. 

"Good night Esmeralda." She whispered as she kissed her forehead. In the hallway, she ran into Dylan, earning a growl from her.

"Wow there tiger, lighten up. Have you even had a drink?" He asked "No. I'm staying sober so I don't do anything dumb." She said quietly. Dylan scoffed.

"What kind of excuse is that?" He sneered.

"A good one. What's yours? Seeing as you're empty handed and not running into the walls like usual." She said whilst she crossed her arms.

"I'm the guy driving my friends home so..." Katy nodded. She then left him and walked toward stairs without saying a word.

"You know... We could have been friends." Dylan said suddenly. Katy scoffed and turned around.

"Friends?" She said softly, before walking closer to him closing the space between them. She was so close to his face, their breathes were mixed into one. Dylan suddenly got nervous.

"We will never be anything more than our disliking to each other ." She said lowly before backing away and walking down the stairs, leaving Dylan speechless.

Hours had passed, and Katy had decided to start picking up after people, and in return they just made more of a mess. 

"Kate? Kate! What are you doing hoe? Why you being a party shitter?" Oliver asked as he spilled some beer on his Chanel shirt. It wasn't even a big party, and the music was just off of someone phone somewhere. There where only a few couple making out of the couch and it wasn't too loud, it was pretty low key.

"Cleaning up. I'm just worried I'll do something dumb." She shrugged as she picked up a red solo cup with bright pink lipstick on it.

"Did you run into sexy Dylaaaaaan?" He questioned. 

"Yeah, thanks for inviting him by the way." She said sarcastically.

"No prob babe." He said as he kissed her cheek. "He's so sexy and he's totally into you. Really it's just a matter of time before you guys end up together." He slurred.

"Ha! You're soooo funny Oli. As if I would EVER have a crush on-" The of course, Oliver threw up all over her shirt.

"Fuck! Oliver!" She stepped back, trying not to throw up herself. She slid the shirt off, leaving her with only her blue laced bra. She ran up the stairs and into Oliver's room and raided his closet, desperate for something else to wear. She giggled once she saw his famous "Daddy" shirt and slid it on and tying a knot in it. She turned to a mirror and admired herself, taking a deep breath.

"Nice choice of clothing." A low voice spoke. She jumped and turned, to find Dylan, sitting on Oliver's bed.

"What the hell? What are you even doing in here?" She yelled.

"Relax, I just got tired, I woke up early. I went to take a nap or something and this is the first room I walked into. This kid is loaded." He said, looking around. He really was loaded though, why didn't he just go to a private school though?

"Whatever. That's creepy. You're creepy." She fixed her posture. He stood up, walking closer, making her walk backwards.

"Wh-what are you doing?" She stuttered. She wasn't sure why she was so nervous. This was Dylan, maybe she was just scared he was going to hurt her? She backed up until she hit the mirror. Dylan towered over her, smirking, and put his hands on either side of her head, keeping her in place.

"Maybe you're right." He he said lowly. "We will never be more than our disliking to each other." He said seductively, then back away, looking her up and down and the leaving the room.

"What the actual fuck?" She said aloud. Would you blame her though?

School the next day was like usual. Not too many people even knew about the party so it's not like it was the talk of the school or anything. Dylan and Kate did their usual glaring, and taunting, like nothing had happened. Once the school day ended the two were told to meet at the janitors closet and get to work, so they did. Without saying a word, they walked into the closet, not expecting it to be so small. Their bodies were squished very closely. Andddd of course, the door shut behind, someone must have seen it open and didn't think it was supposed to be. Annnnnnd of course it locked.

"What are you waiting for? Open the damn door!" Katy screetched.

"It's locked, dumb ass." He said sarcastically. 

"Let me try." She demanded, trying to wiggled her way to the door. The closet was so small, it just working out for her. Dylan then grabbed her hips and wiggled into the space she used to be in, leaving her breathless, but it was too dark for him to see her reaction. She attempted to open the door but it wouldn't budge.

"What's wrong? Was I right? Oh that must hurt." Dylan joked.

"Ha. You're funny." She rolled her eyes and grabbed her phone, turning the flash on, blinding Dylan. 

"Excuse the fuck out of you." He groaned covering his eyes.

"Shut up." She mumbled before looking around the tiny room. spotting a vent above them. She then put her hands on Dylan's shoulders. 

"Boost me." She demanded, and Dylan rolled his eyes, as he knelt, so she could step on his knee. He then lifted her onto his shoulders, he legs wrapped securely around his neck. She may have been small, but with Dylan's height, she was able to reach it. She grabbed a bobby pin from her hair and began to work at the rusty screw. Dust flew in her face and she began coughing violently.

"Are you okay?" Dylan asked worriedly.

"F-fine." She said through her coughs. She then frowned.

"Uh...These vents are closed off..." She said, resting her hands on her knees.

"Damn it!" He then crouched down so she could get off of his shoulders.

"You know I don't hate you...right?" Dylan finally said after a bit of time.


"I just- I don't hate you. Like you, I don't hate anyone." He then leaned against the door and slid down it.

"I mean I still have a strong disliking to you, just, I don't hate you." He mumbled as Katy also sat down. She stayed silent though. The two sat there with no words for a while, the silence was oddly comfortable though.

"Why'd you do it?" Katy whispered, their legs were tangled.

"Do what?"

"Pull my hair? All of this could have been avoided if you hadn't done that."

Dylan frowned and stayed quiet.

"Whatever." Kate groaned.

"Call someone to come help us. My phone is in my car." Katy demanded. Dylan grabbed his phone from his pocket only to see that it's dead.

"Fuck. So what, we're trapped here for two weeks until the janitor come back?" Dylan said angerly and banged his head against the door behind him.

"No, but probably for the night at least."

And right she was.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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