A1, day 1

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soon after meeting everyone and coming up with a plan for today, you & most of your new friends all piled into the car, and went to a shopping strip in LA. You & Charli both wanted to head into a cute little boutique that sold bathing suits, while the others wanted to go get food.. normally you'd be apart of that group, but you were just too ecstatic to eat!

"how about you all go get food, and me and charli will meet up with y'all later?" you suggested, everyone, including charli was ok with that!

soon after separating, you and charli head into the boutique, you saw the cutest bathing suits, you kept adding more and more to your arm to try on, while making small talk with charli, she asks.. "so, you find any of the boys cute?" she looks over at me and softly smirks, and then continues looking for bathing suits.. "actually yes, but i don't know him well enough to make a judgment yet." you answered back, she looks over at you and says "spill!" meaning spill the beans on who it was, you smile and turn away, "noah.." you said in a quiet voice under your breath, she whips her head around and said "did you say noah?" i blush and reply with a "mayyybeee" as a smile approaches charli's face, she says "he is quite cute, i say go for it girl!! if we are being honest, i know he was very excited to meet you, and Q caught him stalking your insta!" she lets out a small breath and starts to giggle, "i mean who wouldn't girl, your beautiful!" you turn to her in disbelief, and a big smile comes across both of y'alls faces, you both giggle and get back to looking for bathing suits..

some time passes and you and charli start heading towards the food places near to find the others. Once you finally arrive at the restaurant, you see they saved two seats, one by Q, and the other by noah, you and charli glance at each other as she sneakily winks at you, you knew she was giving you the seat by noah..

you sat down and started small talk with him, like what sports he plays, where he moved from, how he likes being in swayla.. once you are done with y'alls small conversation, you stare at each other, noah starts to smile, you notice how much of a perfect smile he has, you compliment him, "you have an amazing smile noah beck" you say with a soft grin on your face, he replies with, "i'm going to have to play an uno reverse card chloe hana" you can feel your cheeks get pink, you turn your head to see it was your turn to order, you ordered something basic, nothing too extravagant, you are a very picky eater...


after eating, you all head back to the shopping strip; you all head off in different directions with different groups of people. you, charli, and noah went into urban outfitters, you and charli filled your arms with as much stuff as they could hold before going back into the dressing area, noah also joined along but sat and waited on the couch scrolling through his phone. you put on the first shirt, it was kind of plain, but super cute, it fit you nice, and could be paired with anything! you open the curtain to get Noah's opinion on it, he smiles and gives you two big thumbs up, "i love it chloe" he says, you call out for charli to poke her head out, she peaks her head out of the curtain and says "omg that looks great on you chlo" with a big smile, you blow them both a kiss before closing the curtain and trying on the rest of your clothes.. a couple minutes later, you had what you wanted to buy in your hands, and walked out of the dressing area, closely followed by noah, you paid and waited for charli to be done, while you waited, you take a seat on the couch with noah. "so, how are you liking LA?" noah asks, "i love it, one of the best decisions i've made!" you said in a confident tone, "so glad to hear" noah says with a soft smile, "we should hang out sometime.." he continues, kinda nervously.. "id love that!" you say in a reassuring tone, "im free tomorrow" you say with a wink, "thats a bet" he replies...


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