THE day ;)

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it was about 10:30 when you got rudely awoken by bryce filming for his youtube channel. you sat up sluggishly in bed after bryce, followed by blake and kio, burst in your room with an air horn, blake presses the top down making the object screech even louder, "enough, please, no more" you say in an over it, yet tired tone, sliding your eye mask back over your eyes, "tsk tsk tsk" bryce waves his finger signaling you would not be going back to sleep, he turns to his camera "well, that was the last house mate we had to wake up, ill catch y'all in a bit" he says in an over exaggerated exited tone, kio turns the camera off and lowered it from his face revealing his cute and bright smile, he had been the only one not bothering you so far this morning, you grinned big at him and said "good morning kio!" "good morning chloe" he shot back right away, you hear a few knocks at your door, "wheres my good morning?" you turn to see noah leaning against the door frame with a small smirk on his face, "get up
chloe, i'm taking you for coffee" he says while standing up straight as if he were presenting the idea, as if it almost was a question, the boys look at eachother and slowly file out, leaving just me and noah, "is there any particular reason your stealing my sleep time mr. beck?" you said in a confused yet sarcastic tone, "actually yes, i was a mess yesterday, and i want to have a redo, to show you i'm not that dorky" he awkwardly smiles before looking down at the ground, "ohh is that so? i found your so called 'dorky-ness' kinda cute" he blushes, which makes your face light up, "ill be down in 15, ill come out for coffee" you say, he smiles ear to ear before shooting you a wink and walking out of the door, you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach before sighing out of contentment..

you make it down stairs to see noah holding flowers and waiting by the door, he reaches out his arm "these are for you m'lady" he says in an accented tone, "why thank you kind sir" you reply in the same tone while you walk to the kitchen to find some form of vase for the beautiful arrangement of flowers you had just received... finally you found a makeshift vase before dashing out the door with noah, with him being the gentleman he is, he swings open the passenger side door and motions for
you to get in, with letting out a small giggle you curtsy to continue on with the joke you had created inside, making him let out a huff, and laugh at the same time, shaking his head he gets into his side of the car, starting it, and hooking up to aux, the first song playing was 'best song ever' by one direction, as the drive continued, you felt something soft and warm gently be placed on your thigh, you look down to see noahs hand, respectably placed near your knee, he catches you looking and immediately pulls his hand away, "im sorry chlo-" you cut him off by softly grabbing his hand and placing it back on your thigh, you both continue as if nothing happened..

you finally make it to the coffee shop, it was very small and cute, you had been there before when you came to visit blake a few years back, it was so calm there, quiet, and aesthetically pleasing. noah brings the car to a full stop, you try opening the door before noah swings his arm across the car and stops you, "thats my job" he smiles and shoots you a quick wink, you softly blush and stay put in the car, noah makes it around to your side and opens the door for you, "now you make exit miss. hana"
"why thank you mr. beck" you giggle and walk into the small coffee shop, behind the counter the barista asks if you are ready to take your order, you look at noah and he motions with his head for you to go first. after you both order and receive your coffee, you head over to a small 2 seater table, in the corner of the room with a large window so you could see the outside world.. "so chloe, tell me about yourself, i want to know all about you" noah says in a truthful tone, "well, theres not much to know, i mean me and blake have been best friends since birth practically, we both grew up in texas, i'm an only child, so it was really hard on my parents when i moved out here.. OH and i'm an animal lover!" you smile and look at noah directly before saying "now, what about you noah, tell me about yourself.." he continues on about his family, and what he likes to do for fun.. "you are such a lovely person noah" you say with a soft smile on your face, "not as lovely as you look today" he shoots you a quick wink, making you blush, he quietly laughs before suggesting that y'all head back to the house to get ready for y'all's 'date'
while walking out of the coffee shop, you feel warm arms wrap around your waist, you turn your head slightly to the left to see noah behind you. you try to wiggle your way out of his grasp, making him hold onto you tighter, giggles manage to escape both of you while you continue to squirm. finally, noah lets go of you, grabbing your hand and skipping back to the car, he swings open the door, you slide in, but this time you hook up to the aux, you start playing 'just the way you are' by bruno mars... noah begins to belt out every lyric, turning from making direct eye contact with you, and then back at the road.. his voice wasn't terrible at all, his smile, his hand movements, everything going on in that time and place made you feel like you were the only two people in the world; that moment gave you so much serotonin, you felt genuinely happy, you felt content, in that moment, you realized you were falling for the noah timothy beck.. and you weren't mad about it..

you make it back to swayla, and head up to your room, you lay on the bed before letting out a soft sigh of relive.. you felt content with your morning, and couldn't wait for tonight, he was taking you to a 'very fancy restaurant' or at least thats how noah described it, you knew you had to get actually ready tonight..

                          (small time skip!)

around 5:30 pm, you decided to start getting ready.. you connect your speaker to your phone and turn the shower on to the hottest setting, while waiting for the water to warm up you started to add songs to your queue, when you got a text from noah; "i cant wait to see you tonight chlo ;)" you read it aloud with a small snicker in your voice..
after getting out of the shower, you put on some comfy clothes to get ready in, you then sat down at the vanity you had just recently added to your room, you put in a small amount of heat protectant before blow drying your hair straight, making your beautiful locks look very shiny and a good amount of puffy and volumized.. you started to apply a bit of makeup, for you weren't a fan of wearing a lot unless needed too.. you were going all out for this so called 'date'..

about an hour and a half passes by, and you soon start to see the sun start to set through your sheer curtains.. you look down from doing the finishing touches to your hair and makeup to see an incoming call from noah.. you pick up the phone to hear his soothing, deep toned voice on the other end, "hey chlo, i'm out by the  car if you are ready to head out" he says before you quickly respond with, "ill be right down mr. beck" with a hyper tone you say goodbye, and rush to your closest, you slip on the outfit you prepared for the dinner, and dash down the stairs..

you make it to his car, where you see him waiting by the passenger side door, ready to open it for you... "why hello miss. hana, don't you look gorgeous tonight!" noah says with the brightest smile ever, "why, you look dashing tonight mr.beck" you say back with a grin ear to ear.. you slide into the passenger side door as noah starts the car.. its was a quiet drive, you noticed he placed his hand back on your thigh once again, it made you get a warm feeling inside, you softy place your hand on top of his, he looks over at you with a soft smile before planting his eyes back on the road ahead..

soon after, you arrive at a very nice steak house, your mouth starts to water just thinking about the food.. you get out of the car and start to walk inside, you feel someone grab your hand slowly and interlock your fingers, you gently squeeze noah's hand for reassurance that he made the right move.. you both confidently walk into the restaurant.
"reservations for noah beck" he says shooting the hostess a little smile. she starts to guide us to a reserved area in the back of the restaurant, the table was so neatly made and put together, with candles and roses galore, it was beautiful..
"wow noah.. it looks amazing" you say with wonder filled eyes, "i made them prepare it special for you" he says in the sweetest way possible, you felt special, you felt important..
after sitting for a bit and ordering what noah recommend you, your food arrived, you and him shared a bit of food here and there, and had the best conversations, the smile you had plastered on your face never once went away, from his laugh, to his smile, to the way he took the time to listen to each thing you said, you felt yourself falling more and more.. and you were not mad at all to say the least..

a sway love story <3 (noah beck)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat