Moving in

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  Today is the day that I get to meet my new roommates. About 6 days ago I had to leave my childhood home, I've been living in my car. I honestly thought I was shit out of luck until I found a Facebook ad for 4 boys needing a roommate. Today is the day. I look at my GPS, I've arrived. The building in front of me is tall, very modern, and very pretty. The ad said they lived in a 5 bedroom penthouse on the top floor. Before heading up, I check my reflection in my rear view mirror. I tussled up my short black hair and fixed my nose piercing. Perfect.

  After finally finding the correct door, I lifted my hand up to knock. Before I could even make contact with my fist, the door flung open. I was met by a man taller than me with bright red hair and a huge smile.

  "Hello, you must be Anna. My name is Ashton, I'm one of your many roommates" he greeted with a laugh and an outstretched hand. I shook it without hesitation, something about him is welcoming and instantly put me in a good mood.

"Yes I'm Anna, nice to meet you Ashton." I said, despite being extremely shy. He quickly grabbed one of my bags, and stepped to the side so I could get in the door. I nodded as a "thank you" in his direction. When he closed the door behind me nodded in the direction he wanted me to go, I was met with 3 other, equally charming men. The tall one with medium long blond hair immediately caught my eye. He looked shy but willing to try to communicate. I think he noticed me staring because he quickly put on a forced smile... awkward.. the other two were just as beautiful.

"Hey, I'm Calum. You can call me cal if you want." The one with dark brown hair said while taking a step towards me. He points to the man next to him with a black flannel and ripped jeans on. "This is mike, you two are kind of dressed the same." Calum chuckles. I look down at my light washed mom jeans and black and white flannel and giggle.

"Twins?" I question jokingly while pointing and Michaels outfit.

"Well one of us is going to have to change babes." He jokes. Before I could reply I notice that Luke and Ashton were missing and so were my things.

"Can you show me around?" I ask the two boys in front of me with a smile. Without speaking Calum puts his hand on my back and points towards the living room. When we reach the room I feel instantly more comfortable. The rest of the building is very modern and uncomfortable. This living room is far more reasonable. There is a comfy dark gray couch with 2 matching chairs on either side of it. The room is decorated with plants and photos. 

"Check this out." Micheal interrupts my thought process, as he walks across the room to an electric guitar. "This is my favorite thing in the house." he points. 

"Oh wow! it's beautiful" I exclaim while running my fingers across it. I was quickly interrupted by a whistle from the other side of the living room. I look over and see Ashton standing in front of a door. 

"I bet you want to see your room, right?" He asks while gesturing for me to follow him. I nearly sprint to the other side of the room to the front of the door. He opens it for me and I see Luke putting my bags on the twin sized bed. The bedding is light blue and the walls are painted gray. Theres a white dresser and a walk in closet. As well as a bathroom attached. 

"I love it! it's cute!" I exclaim while throwing my flannel on the bed. 

"We hoped you would, get unpacked and comfortable. We are having family game night tonight so we can get to know each other better." Ash says with a smirk. I catch him glancing at my stomach, I'm wearing a black crop top which is now revealed because my flannel is on the bed. 

"I hate losing so get ready for some serious pouting." I laugh, breaking Ashtons gaze. The boys laugh and exit the room so I can unpack. I have a feeling I'm going to like it here. 

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