Get to know you

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  After my awkward encounter with Luke, I finished my shower and made my way to my room. I put my head down and tried to pass the boys without them noticing. I was definitely too cocky with him seeing my body. 

"Hey, slow down a second speedy." Calum says while stepping in front of me. I look up at him to see a big smile on his face. "We are having another game night tonight, believe it or not we do this quite often." he takes a step back so he's not directly in front of me anymore. "My buddy Harry is coming tonight, you're welcome to invite a friend or two if you'd like." He finishes his sentence and looks at me expectantly. 

"Thanks for letting me know! I'll be there." I say to him with a smile and then walk to my room to get ready for the day. When I get to my room I grab my phone to see a message from my best friend Violet. Instead of trying to decipher her texts, I call her. She picks up almost immediately.

"What's up boo?" she greets.

"So we are having a game night tonight, and I think it would be cool for you to meet the boys." I say hopefully.

"You mean your new BEST FRIENDS." she jokes.

"You know you're my best friend, since preschool. nobody will replace you dumbass. you can spend the night."

"Alright text me the address." she says before hanging up. I'm glad she will be here, the boys are awesome but I definitely miss my best friend. I throw on my skin tight black dress and my black and white flannel to look cute for Violet. My black hair is already naturally wavy from air drying after the shower. I fix my septum ring and walk out to the living room. 

"Hey so, my friend Violet is coming over tonight. In about an hour." I say to the boys, who are getting games and liquor set out on the table. 

"Is she cute?" Calum jokes as he sits in the chair to the left of the couch. Before I could answer, a tall handsome man with curly hair and a fantastic outfit steps in the door. 

"Hey, Sorry I'm early." He says in a deep smooth voice. Holy fuck he's beautiful. He looks and me and nods with a smile on his face.

"HARRY!!" Ashton exclaims from across the room, he nearly sprints to the man to give him a hug.  They seem like close friends. This man, who I now know is named Harry. He has this pull to him, without thinking I walk towards him with my hand stretched out.

 "I'm Anna, I moved in 2 days ago." I greet. He ignores my hand and goes in for a hug. He puts hooks his hands over my shoulders and pulls me in. He smells amazing. Like Vanilla and clean laundry. 

 "I'm Harry, It's nice to meet you. I'd love to get to know you better." he says while pulling away from the hug. All I could do was smile. He smiled as well and walked past me to grab one of the bottles off the table. He took a big swig of vodka and said "Let's get this party started."

 "We're actually waiting for Anna's friend, she should be here soon." Cal said before I could. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. I sprinted to it and flung it open. It was Violet. Before I could say anything she pulled me into a huge hug. Fuck I missed her. 

 "YOU'RE EARLY!" I screamed while spitting out a mouthful of her big pink hair. She nodded and introduced herself to the boys. Calum looked at me with a big smile, he had a lazy thumbs up halfway in there. Confirmed. She is cute. We all sat down on the floor around the table, Violet to my left and Harry to my right. Across from us is Luke, Ashton, Calum and Mikie. It's a very awkward situation, but nobody says anything about it. After the situation in the elevator with Ashton, the bathroom situation with Luke, and Calum clearly has his eye on Violet. We all ignore it.

 "Lets all take a shot to get things rolling." Mike passes a bottle around the group after taking a shot. It reaches me, I take three big chugs to wash away the awkwardness before passing it to Harry. 

 "Anna! I said to get the ball rolling not get drunk right away!" Mike giggles. Ashton looks at me in surprise. Luke has a smirk on his face. 

 "Guests pick the game." Luke says while gesturing to the game shelf. 

 "You can pick babes." Violet says to Harry. Without hesitation Harry picks up a game called "Get to know you" I laugh out loud at his choice, clearly not hiding that the alcohol has already numbed my senses. He lays out the game, its similar to the game that we first played when I got here. You pick a card and it has a question on it. Everyone has to guess your answer before you announce it. If they get it right, they get a point. If they get it wrong they take a shot. I grab one of the included white boards and markers. 

 "I'll go first!" Violet says excitedly, while grabbing a card. "What is your favorite food?" I know this so I quickly right down spaghetti and meatballs and wait for the others. "Everyone ready?" she asks. Everyone nods. "IT'S SPAGHETTI!" she announces. I flip my board around to reveal my answer and give myself a point. Nobody else got a point in the group. Ashton hesitantly takes a shot and passes it to Luke. After everyone has taken a shot except me and Violet they get ready for the next question. 

 "Your turn love." Harry says in his thick British accent. I grab a card and quickly read it out loud.

 "Who would you most like to kiss right now." As I read the question I immediately regret it. I honestly don't know the answer. Ashton, Luke, Mike and Violet all laugh very loudly. Harry and Calum giggle slightly. 

 "Fuckin' hell of a card." Violet giggles through her words. "You gotta answer it though." She says slightly more seriously. I look around the room at all the beautiful men. Luke looks at me expectantly, almost like he wants it to be him. The second I look him in the eye he looks away. I wanna test something. I've seen that same look in his eyes when I was half naked and when I was walking back into the house with Ashton, after the elevator incident. I quickly jot down my answer and look around the room, waiting for everyone to be done writing their guesses. 

 "Ready boys?" I look around the room to see them all nod. I hold the board close to my chest shaking slightly. I've never been the bold type. I just want to see some reactions, so now is the time. While shaking I reveal my answer. Scribbled very sloppily across my board is "Harry".  Everyone reveals their boards before looking at mine. Nobody got it right, they all guessed someone famous or Violet. They thought I would play it safe and choose my best friend. They finally read my board. Luke looks someone defeated but emotionless. Ashton looks kind of pissed. Mike and Calum both giggle in kind of an "Oh shit." way. 

 "Bitch, you're BOLD BOLD." Violet says to me with a huge surprised smile on her face. Harry looks at me and then back down at my board. A kind of sneaky smirk spreads across his face. Then blush across his cheeks.

 "I mean, I don't blame you." He jokes, before taking a shot. He wrote down "Violet" On his board. I giggled. I look over at Luke who is taking a huge swig of the bottle, still slightly defeated. I feel bad but I needed to confirm my suspicions. There's something going on there. We finish up with game with boring questions like, "Favorite color." or "First memory." Violet and I help pick up and head to my room for bed. Saying a quick goodnight to the boys and giving them all hugs. I had fun tonight, even though my anxiety was through the roof. 

HEY EVERYONE! like the 2 people that have read this. a bit of a longer chapter. I'm not the best at writing, but thank you for giving me a chance! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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