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George Maidson was now entirely unsure that applying for this had been a good idea. If it weren't for the strict, scary and annoyingly tall man -why was everyone taller than him?- he would have sworn he was being hazed. Or something like that.

Quietly, not wanting to annoy the other person in the interview room, he asked- "So... er- when are my results- I mean- can I go home yet?" George stammered.

The man gave him an unimpressed look and told the brunette that "your results would come soon, so be patient." The tone in his voice made George shiver a little and shut up for fear of his life.

After what seemed like several hours of waiting, although a quick glance at his watch told him that it was in fact only a few minutes, a sharp knock sounded on the door. Perhaps George was just bad at waiting. It certainly seemed so.

"Come in." Grunted the scary man.

What had he been expecting? Another scary person? That was probably what George had been expecting because he was practically cowering in his seat. When a relatively non-scary woman in a lab coat and glasses, sporting her hair in a braid came in, he almost breathed an inaudible sigh of relief.

"Hello! George, right?" She asked with a smile.

"Yep- that's me." He stood up and grabbed his laptop bag, the only thing he brought with him here, and walked over to the door. The lab coat woman shut the door behind them and gestured for George to follow her.

"I'm Aka. Nice to meet you, and welcome to this facility." She said with a small smile. "You're going to be my intern." (Yes this is the Aka that got beaten to death by Dream in my other story but luckily for her nobody is yandere here)

"I'm George! Nice to meet you." George replied.

Walking down the corridor, they stopped at one of the many identical doors lining the stark, sterilised hallway. 

"You're going to be working here, in room..." -The Japanese woman paused to read the sign on the door- "...628."

"Oh... okay." He nodded.

"For now though, I'm going to show you around the rest of the facility. Don't want anyone else getting lost..." Aka said that doubtfully, as though there were a lot of others who had gotten lost despite the tour. That didn't exactly forebode well for George.

"Er- okay." 

Aka started off down the corridor again, George following behind.

"This is the canteen." A wide, spacious room filled with seats and tables, akin to a high school cafeteria but noticeably more hygienic.

''The library..." Just like your local library, but more computers and no fiction books. This was a research facility, after all.

"And the chemistry labs." A sleek, sterile room filled with scary-looking equipment that hummed loudly and made funny noises.

When the tour was over, they returned to the original room. Stopping just outside. Aka paused, her hand on the door. She had a curious expression on her face, one that the British boy couldn't quite figure out.

It looked like she was in pain, or remembering something sad.

It looked like she was torn between opening the door or keeping it shut. Like the classic horror movie scenario, when the wise person tells you a vital clue but knows it will lead you to your death.

"By the way, are you comfortable with working with..." Aka couldn't find a gentler word or euphemism to describe her test subject.


Eudaimonia (monster!Dream x GeorgeNotFound)Where stories live. Discover now