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It was a nice evening in London and everything was calm and quiet. Well almost calm quiet.

"You stupid whore!" William yelled as he kicked his wife in the stomach.

"Oof!" Grell fell to the ground holding her stomach.

"How dare you sleep with that filthy demon!" He picked her up by her hair and smacked her. "You are a disgusting whore!"

Grell started to cry. "I-I didn't sleep with him. I swear. I was o-only talking to Sebastian." She sobbed.

He threw her down. "Lying whore... Looks I'm going to have to teach you who you belong to." He said unzipping his pants. He picked her up and slammed her against the wall.

"N-no don't please William!" She sobbed.

William tore off her clothes and thrusted im roughly. This caused Grell to cry out and sob even more. He thrusted hard with all his strength.

"S-STOP! PLEASE!" Grell cried but Will only ignored her. "I HATE IT!"

"Liar. You love it~" he kept thrusting harder. He then dug his nails into her skin and bite her neck hard drawing blood.

~time skip~

After William was finished he went to bed, leaving Grell alone. She sobbed quietly as she was shaking from head to toe. How could William, the man she loved and had been loyal to for so long, do this to her.

Grell then got up and walked into their bed. She made sure William was fast asleep before she started packing. She was tired of the abuse and false accusations from him. She packed everything she own.

Once she was all packed she left a note telling him she was leaving him. After she left their once happy home, leaving her key. She put her hand on her stomach. "Don't worry baby. Mommy's gonna get a nice home for us." She smiled weakly.

Little did Grell know, her life was about to change forever.

(MUHAHAHAHA!! CLIFF HANGER. I know this was short. But it was the best I could do. SEEYA!!)

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