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Pat pulled up to the rear entrance of the forum, paid the taxi and wandered up to the rear doors.   She paused and dug around in her bag for her tour laminate which would get her access, no questions asked. She walked up to the loading doors and showed the rent a cop her badge. He smiled and waved her on through. She stopped inside the doors to let her eyes adjust to the brightness. Now that the band was onstage, backstage was relatively quiet. She wandered into the hospitality suite and the usual press people were hanging around she said hi to a few people she knew. She could hear the crowd roar as Kiss made their appearance. She was tempted to go watch but Paul didn't know she was flying out for a few days, 3 months was hard to stay apart, also Montreal gave her a chance to catch up with her sister and other family. She spotted Doc and called out to him. He came over with a big smile and gave her a big hug. Thank god you're here for a bit!

Why, someone getting a bit bitchy, she asked, smiling.  You could say that, he replied. She smiled, well I might be able to help with that! You gonna stay for the show, doc asked. No, I was just going to get my room key from you and head over to the hotel. A bit hungover from visiting with my sister, I think we polished off 2 bottles of wine, could have been 3. Doc laughed and fished her room key out of his pocket. So Paul has no idea, I'm here? She asked. Nope, didn't tell Gene so easy this time, doc replied, smiling. Ya Gene can't keep secrets or surprises! Hang on, doc said, I'll get a car to take you over. Great thanks, oh anything planned for after the show? Just a couple of interviews and they're usually pretty short. Cool, I can have a nap, get rid of headache. I don't think, not tonight dear, I have a headache would go over too well. Doc laughed, you've been around these guys too long! Doc pulled out his phone to get one of the cars to come over. Thanks Doc, giving him another hug, don't keep him out too late, she smiled cheekily. She walked outside where the car was waiting. The driver got out and opened the door for her.

Thanks, she said as she crawled into the back. She relaxed for the short drive to hotel. She woke with a start as the car had stopped and the driver was holding the door open. Oh, sorry, guess I dozed off there, she said, smiling. No problem ma'am, have a good evening, the driver replied, helping her out of the back. Thanks, you too.

She walked into the lobby, glancing around and noticed a few women hanging around trying to look inconspicuous. Ugh groupies, she thought to herself, heading for the elevators. They didn't know that the band always came in through the back entrance, and didn't even set foot in the lobby. The odd time Tommy and Eric would have a drink in the bar and they might get an autograph if lucky. The elevator arrived and she got in. The elevator stopped and she got out, room 430. She stepped into the room and as usual everything was neat and tidy and one lamp on. She hung her bag up and kicked her shoes off. She looked at the time and realized she was a bit hungry, she checked the hotel guide and was in luck, she could order some food. She called down and ordered a club sandwich. She decided to hop in the shower and thought the hot water would help her head. She went into the bathroom and was delighted to see nice fluffy bathrobes. She turned on the water and got in, the hot water felt good and stood for a few minutes letting the hot water flow over her. She remembered she had food coming, so turned the water off and quickly dried off and slipped on one of the robes.  She heard a knock and went to get her food. She thanked the waiter and settled down to eat. She turned on the tv for noise.

She finished her sandwich and gathered up the dishes and was going to leave them in the hall then remembered that would be a dead giveaway. She was suddenly feeling tired, she looked at the time and she could get at least an hour nap. She smiled to herself thinking there isn't going to be a whole lot of sleeping for a while. She was going to leave the light, on as Paul always left it after several occasions finding strange women in his room, but she was feeling rather mischievous this time, so she switched the light off. She turned down the bed and crawled in. She left her robe on, afterall he needed to work a bit. She looked at her phone,  10:30. She grabbed the tv remote and surfed through and found a movie, she turned the volume down and closed her eyes. 

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