In Too Deep

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She stretched and looked over at Paul.
We really should stop doing that, she said, playing with the hair on his chest.

Excuse me?! I'll just pretend you didn't say that because I don't believe it for one second, he said, pretending to be shocked.

Guess you better get up, she said, giving him a quick kiss.
I suppose so, he said, I suppose Doc's gonna be banging on the door to remind me too.

He sat up, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He looked over at Pat, she had lay back down, eyes closed.
Hey, no fair, if I gotta get up for this then you too. He said, tickling her.
Ok, ok, I'm up, she said, laughing and slapping his hand away. You can have the bathroom first.

Nice try, not until you're up, cause I know you're going to go back to sleep, he said, poking her.

Alright, I'm up, she said sitting up and grabbing her robe to put on.
Are those interview people calling you or you calling them or is it a Skype thing, she asked, heading for the bathroom.

I have to check, he said, getting up and getting his laptop. Oh shit, Skype, damn, now I have to look halfway decent. He said, rubbing his chin

Well, you have to shave for tonight anyway, she said, but I like this too, giving him a quick kiss.

She finished up in the bathroom. Your turn, she said, you want any breakfast or just coffee?

Just coffee for now. He said heading for the bathroom.

You only have an hour!! She reminded him, smiling.
Haha, very funny. He said, sticking his tongue out at her before closing the bathroom door.

She turned on the tv for noise and called room service to have coffee sent up. There was a knock at the door so she went to answer it.

Hey Doc! She said, morning! C'mon in..
You two ready for 1 and Paul ready for that interview? Doc asked.
Ya, he's taken over the bathroom, told him he only had an hour. You sticking around for it? She asked
Ya, guess they wanted me too. Doc replied. An hour, going to be tight!

I thought so! She said with a smile.
Paul came out of the bathroom. You two talking about me? He asked, wrapping his arms around her.
Never! She said, you smell really good by the way.

Well I will leave you two to your interview, coffee should be here soon. I'm going to go grab me some breakfast. She said, heading for the door.
She closed the door behind her and met Gene in the hall.

Gene, where you off to? She asked
Breakfast. He replied, stopping to let her catch up.
May I join you? She asked.
Sure, some company would be nice. He said.

They headed for the restaurant. Gene held the door open for her, ushering her in. They grabbed a table and sat down. A waitress came over with menus and took their drink orders.
Their coffee arrived and Pat took a long sip.

Ahh, I needed that, now I can see straight! She said, setting her cup down

So, Gene said, looking serious, how are you two getting along?
Whoa, that question needs more coffee! She said, looking slightly surprised. But I haven't heard any complaints from the other side. Have you heard different?

No, not really. He replied, not looking at her
Not really? She asked, that's kind of a loaded answer, spill it Simmons! She demanded.

Nothing major, he's just a bit gunshy. He's been burned more than once. So he's worried you'll bail on him. He explained.

Well, unless he does something really stupid, that isn't likely to happen. She explained. That would be like messing around with groupies.
I don't care if he gives the ladies at the meet and greets hugs or even a kiss. She said
So you tell him I don't plan on going anywhere, anytime soon. I know you two talk. She said.

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